the kingdom of God, which was words were fulfilled this day.
I confirmed those baptized and organized this small
branch of the church, consisting of 9 members, 8 of whom
were relatives, I ordained a priest, and ad-
ministered the sacrament. unto them.
July 3rd, I started for the state of and
arrived at Father in on the 6th.
14th, My was delivered of a daughter at
her fathers house; w we named her .
22nd, I wrote to an account
of my labors upon and the eastern country.
30th, I left Scarborough and returned to the islands,
I preached several times to large congregations in the Methodist
meeting house, in , and in the town hall in
, before crossing to the islands, where I arrived Augt. 7
9th, I received a letter from Thomas B. Marsh
informing me of my appointment to fill the place of in
the Quorum of the Twelve, of one who had fallen, and I
was requested to come to as soon as possible to
prepare for a mission to in the Spring. I immed-
iately visited all the Saints upon both islands, and earnestly
exhorted them to sell their property and prepare themselves
to accompany me to the body of the church in .
Several immediately sold, but many were poor. Bro said he would furnish means to help off all the
poor saints who would desired to go, and for this purpose
went with me to the main land on the 13th, and I
assisted him in procuring ^purshasing^ two thousand dollars worth of horses,
^harness,^ wagons, & tents &c. ^camp^ for the company, he paid about $1,500 of the
expenses himself, $1,000 of which went to furnish conveyance for the
poor, after purchasing the outfit for the company, and ^I^ urginged the importance
of their starting as soon as possible, not later than the first of Sep.
Aug. 19, I left the town of Camden where we had prepared
our outfit, and returned to Scarborough, to prepare my family for
the journey, expecting to see the company in a few days, but here I
the kingdom of God, which words were fulfilled this day.
I confirmed those baptized and organized this small
branch of the church, consisting of 9 members, 8 of whom
were relatives, I ordained a priest, and administered the sacrament..
July 3rd, I started for the state of and
arrived at Father in on the 6th.
14th, My was delivered of a daughter at
her fathers house; we named her .
22nd, I wrote to an account
of my labors upon and the eastern country.
30th, I left Scarborough and returned to the islands,
I preached several times to large congregations in the Methodist
meeting house, in , and in the town hall in
, before crossing to the islands, where I arrived Augt. 7
9th, I received a letter from Thomas B. Marsh
informing me of my appointment to fill the place in
the Quorum of the Twelve, of one who had fallen, and I
was requested to come to as soon as possible to
prepare for a mission to in the Spring. I immediately visited all the Saints upon both islands, and earnestly
exhorted them to sell their property and prepare
to accompany me to .
Several immediately sold, but many were poor. Bro said he would furnish means to help off all the
poor saints who desired to go, and for this purpose
went with me to the main land on the 13th, and I
assisted him in purshasing two thousand dollars worth of horses,
harness, wagons, & tents for the company, he paid about $1,500 of the
expenses himself, $1,000 of which went to furnish conveyance for the
poor, after purchasing the outfit for the company, I urged the importance
of their starting as soon as possible, not later than the first of Sep.
Aug. 19, I left the town of Camden where we had prepared
our outfit, and returned to Scarborough, to prepare my family for
the journey, expecting to see the company in a few days, but here I