Travled 1227 ^1227^ miles
April 29, 1835 ~ Wednesday
29th Aprail Spent the Day at Brother in writing wrote
one letter to the friends in Zion Also to my friends
at in the
April 30, 1835 ~ Thursday
30 Wrote a letter to My parents in & preached in the
Evening at the house of Mr Distance 2 miles
May 1, 1835 ~ Friday
May 1st Travled to Brother spend the Day in writing 2 miles
May 2, 1835 ~ Saturday
2 At night preached at Sister
s Br baptized 2 pers
May 3, 1835 ~ Sunday
3 On the preached at Brother to a large congregation
May 4, 1835 ~ Monday
4 Wrote a letter to Friend then visited
& prayed with the sick. Spent the night at Br
May 5, 1835 ~ Tuesday
5 Visited the sick and Returned to Father travled 4 miles
May 6, 1835 ~ Wednesday
6 Travled 3 miles & preached at the house of Mr
was Blessed with much of the spirit of God
travled 1227 miles
April 29, 1835 ~ Wednesday
29th Aprail Spent the Day at Brother in writing wrote
one letter to the friends in . Also to my friends in the
April 30, 1835 ~ Thursday
30 Wrote a letter to My parents in & preached in the
Evening at the house of Mr Distance 2 miles
May 1, 1835 ~ Friday
May 1th Travled to Brother spend the Day in writing. 2 miles
May 2, 1835 ~ Saturday
2 Att night Preached at Sister Br baptized 2 pers
May 3, 1835 ~ Sunday
3 On the Lords Day preached at Brother to a large congregation
May 4, 1835 ~ Monday
4 Wrote A letter to Friend there visited
& prayed with the sick Spent the night at Br
May 5, 1835 ~ Tuesday
5 Visited the sick and Returned to Father travled 4 miles
May 6, 1835 ~ Wednesday
6 Travled 3 miles & preached at the house of Mr
was Blessed with much of the Spirit of God