way that we may be ready for what-
ever dispensation the Lord may have
in store for us, and so that we can
acknowledge his hand as did,
and not find any fault with him be-
cause of his providences toward us.
If we cannot comprehend them now,
we shall be able to do so in a little
while. The Lord may have purposes
in view in his dealings with us that
we do not understand; I presume he
has. In fact, the whole of the deal-
ings of God to man are a mystery.
There is a over the world, and
it is ordained of God that it should
be so, for if it were not so, and if
men could comprehend eternal things,
as God comprehends them, there is
no man on the earth, no matter how
wicked he may be, but what would
be willing to keep the commandments
of God, and to pass through any-
thing that God ordained, for therein
he would see there was salvation and
eternal life. But God has an order
in these matters, as he revealed unto
. He said unto Joseph
—"I will prove you whether you
will abide in my covenant; if you
are not willing to abide in my covenant
even unto death, you are not worthy
of me." [Doctrine & Covenants 98:14-15] And it is so with the Saints.
If they are not willing to abide in
the covenants they have made with
God, even unto death if necessary,
they are not worthy of him. Jesus
laid down his life to redeem the
world, and passed through suffering
and affliction all his life in order that
he might fulfill the mission which
was given him. So it is with us.
The Lord says—"I am going to
prove the children of men." There
are a few individuals in this dispen-
sation who will inherit celestial glory,
and a few in other dispensations;
but before they receive their they will have to pass through
and submit to whatever dispensation
God may decree. But for all this
they will receive their reward—they
will become Gods, they will inherit
thrones, kingdoms, principalities and
powers through the endless ages of
eternity, and to their increase there
will be no end, and the heart of man
has never conceived of the glory that
is in store for the sons and daughters
of God who keep the celestial law.
And yet God has a vail over all in
regard to these things. The whole
world will be judged according to the
deeds done in the body, and they will
inherit kingdoms according to the
laws which they have kept, every
man being preserved by the law
which he has observed, and all will
be saved in some glory, except the
sons of perdition.
Now, brethren and sisters, the
is before us. We
are all passing along, and it will only
be a little time before a good many
of us will be on the other side of the
vail. Our friends are passing off
every day, and we look in vain for
many with whom we have been fa-
miliar in years that are past. If I
go into a congregation of ten thou-
sand and enquire for the Saints I
knew in , and request them
to lift up their hands, it will be like
a standard bearer on the mountains,
there is only here and there one.
You ask a congregation how many of
them knew Joseph Smith, and it is
only here and there one, they are
passing away to the other side of the
vail. It is so with us all, we are
hastening to the end of life's journey,
and a good many of us are on the
downward grade. I ask that what
little time I live, I may keep the faith
and have the fellowship of the and of the Saints of God, that
when I get through I may be satis-
fied with life, satisfied with my acts,
that I may receive a welcome into the
Kingdom of God. That is all I ask
and all I labor for. As for riches and
way that we may be ready for whatever dispensation the Lord may have
in store for us, and so that we can
acknowledge his hand as Job did,
and not find any fault with him because of his providence is towards us.
If we cannot comprehend them now,
we shall be able to do so in a little
while. The Lord may have purposes
in view in his dealings with us that
we do not understand; I presume he
has. In fact, the whole of the dealings of God to man are a mystery.
There is a vail over the earth, and
it is ordained of God that it should
be so, for if it were not so, and if
men could comprehend eternal things,
as God comprehend them, there is
no man on earth, no matter how
wicked he may be, but what would
be willing to keep the commandments
of God, and to pass through anything that God ordained, for therein
he would see there was salvation and
eternal life. But God has an order
in these matters, as he revealed unto
. He said unto Joseph
—"I will prove you whether you
will abide in my covenant; if you
are not willing to abide in my covenant
even unto death, you are not worthy
of me." Doctrine & Covenants 98:14-15 And it is so with the Saints.
If they are not willing to abide in
the covenants they have made with
God, even unto death if necessary,
they are not worthy of him. Jesus
laid down his life to redeem the
world, and passed through suffering
and affliction all his life in order that
he might fulfill the mission which
was given him. So it is with us.
The Lord says—"I am going to
prove the children of men." There
are a few individuals in this dispensation who will inherit celestial glory,
and a few in other dispensations;
but before they receive their exaltation they will have to pass through
and submit to whatever dispensation
God may decree. But for all this
they will receive their reward—they
will become Gods, they will inherit
thrones, kingdoms, principalities and
powers through the endless ages of
eternity, and to their increase there
will be no end, and the heart of man
has never conceived of the glory that
is in store for the sons and daughters
of God who keep the celestial law.
And yet God has a veil over all in
regard to these things. The whole
world will be judged according to the
deeds done in the body, and they will
inherit kingdoms according to the
laws which they have kept, every
man being preserved by the law
which he has observed, and all will
be saved in some glory, except the
sons of perdition.
Now, brethren and sisters, the
Gospel of Christ is before us. We
are all passing along, and it will only
be a little time before a good many
of us will be on the other side of the
vail. Our friends are passing off
every day, and we look in vain for
many with whom we have been familiar in years that are past. If I
go into a congregation of ten thousand and enquire for the Saints I
knew in , and request them
to lift up their hands, it will be like
a standard bearer on the mountains,
there is only here and there one.
You ask a congregation how many of
them knew , and it is
only here and there one, they are
passing away to the other side of the
vail. It is so with us all, we are
hastening to the end of life's journey,
and a good many of us are on the
downward grade. I ask that what
little time I live, I may keep the faith
and have the fellowship of the Holy
Spirit and the Saints of God, that
when I get through I may be satisfied with life, satisfied with my acts,
that I may receive a welcome into the
Kingdom of God. That is all I ask
and all I labor for. As for riches and