of to take charge of
the same a trust worthy and competent m^M^oulder
the f^F^oundry will be in operation in a few Days.
When with the advantage of Coak ^Coke^ (made from our late
discovery of Coal with in three miles of Our works afine
article and Extensive deposit.)
We shall be able to offer a variety of castings at Salt Lake
prices freight added
The anticipate als[o] to Erect during
the present year a larger furnace for smelting ^their Ores^ Oar
a f^F^org^e^ for ^allso^ r^R^ought iron and a f^F^urnace for steel.
Should they meet that kind and liberal patronage
which their friends flatter them they, will have from
a prop[le] devoted, to a policy of self sustaining institutions
on the c^C^ooperative principle.
Isolated as our works are at present and must be for
a time we crave the protection and fostering care of your
honerable body and shall of the Governor and
to Enable us to place p^P^ermi^a^nately on a firm basis one
of the greatest Enterprizes in the .
Without which her citizens will continue to be dependent
on foreign manufacturers for that which n^N^ature has
in profusion provided us the Oar ^Ore^ to produce namely Iron.
We wish to be Enrolled as life m^M^embers of your
of to take charge of
the same a trust worthy and competentMoulder
theFoundry will be in operation in a few Days.
When with the advantage of Coke (made from our late
discovery of Coal with in three miles of Our works afine
article and Extensive deposit.)
We shall be able to offer a variety of castings at Salt Lake
prices freight added
The company anticipate also to Erect during
the present year a larger furnace for smelting their Ores
aForge for allsoRought iron and aFurnace for steel.
Should they meet that kind and liberal patronage
which their friends flatter them they, will have from
a prople devoted, to a policy of self sustaining institutions
on theCooperative principle.
Isolated as our works are at present and must be for
a time we crave the protection and fostering care of your
honerable body and shall of the Governor and Legislature
to Enable us to placePermanately on a firm basis one
of the greatest Enterprizes in the .
Without which her citizens will continue to be dependent
on foreign manufacturers for that whichNature has
in profusion provided us the Ore to produce namely Iron.
We wish to be Enrolled as lifeMembers of your Society