not be controlled nor handled, only upon the prin-
ciples of righteousness. Such should repent and
turn unto the Lord, and seek for the Holy Spirit
to guide them. Judgments will begin upon
my house, and from thence will they go forth unto
the world, and the wicked cannot escape. Bles
sed are the pure in heart, for my blessings
await them in this life, and eternal life in the
world to come.
Thus saith the Lord unto you, my servants
the apostles, who dwell in the flesh, Fear ye not
your enemies. Let not your hearts be troubled. I
am in your midst. I am your advocate with
the Father. I have given mine angels charge
concerning you. Mine eyes are upon you,
and the eyes of your heavenly Father and the
heavenly hosts and all justified spirits made perfect
are watching over you. Your works are manifest
before the faces of my servants who have sealed their
testimony with their blood, and before all my ser-
vants of the Twelve Apostles whom I have taken
unto myself. The vail is taken from off their
faces and they know your works. They await
your coming when you have finished your
testimony in the flesh. Therefore, be ye faith-
ful until I come. My coming is at the door[.]
not be controlled nor handled, only upon the principles of righteousness. Such should repent and
turn unto the Lord, and seek for the Holy Spirit
to guide them. Judgments will begin upon
my house, and from thence will they go forth unto
the world, and the wicked cannot escape. Bles
sed are the pure in heart, for my blessings
await them in this life, and eternal life in the
world to come.
Thus saith the Lord unto you, my servants
the apostles, who dwell in the flesh, Fear ye not
your enemies. Let not your hearts be troubled. I
am in your midst. I am your advocate with
the Father. I have given mine angels charge
concerning you. Mine eyes are upon you,
and the eyes of your heavenly Father and the
heavenly hosts and all justified spirits made perfect
are watching over you. Your works are manifest
before the faces of my servants who have sealed their
testimony with their blood, and before all my servants of the Twelve Apostles whom I have taken
unto myself. The vail is taken from off their
faces and they know your works. They await
you coming when you have finished your
testimony in the flesh. Therefore, be ye faithful until I come. My coming is at the door