mies, and not many years hence they shall
not be left to pollute my heritage. [Doctrine and Covenants 105:15] The
devil is ruling over his kingdom, and my
spirit has no place in the hearts of the rulers
of this nation, and the devil stirs them up to
defy my power and to make war upon my
Saints. Therefore, let mine apostles and
mine elders who are faithful obey my command-
ments which are already written for their profit
and guidance.
Thus saith the Lord unto my servant
, and my servant Wilford Woodruff,
and my servant , and to all the resi-
due of mine apostles, Have you not gone forth
in my name without purse or scrip and de-
clared the Gospel of life and salvation unto this
nation and the nations of the earth, and warned
them of the judgments which are to come, as
you have been moved upon by the power of the Holy
Ghost and the inspiration of the Lord? You
have done this year by year for a whole generation
as men count time. Therefore your gar-
ments are clean of the blood of this generation, and
especially of this nation. Therefore, as I have
said in a former commandment, so I the Lord
say again unto mine apostles, go ye alone by
mies, and not many years hence they shall
not be left to pollute my heritage. The
devil is ruling over his kingdom, and my
spirit has no place in the hearts of the rulers
of this nation, and the devil stirs them up to
defy my power and to make war upon my
Saints. Therefore, let mine apostles and
mine elders who are faithful obey my commandments which are already written for their profit
and guidance.
Thus saith the Lord unto my servant
, and my servant Wilford Woodruff,
and my servant , and to all the residue of mine apostles, Have you not gone forth
in my name without purse or scrip and declared the Gospel of life and salvation unto this
nation and the nations of the earth, and warned
them of the judgments which are to come, as
you have been moved upon by the power of the Holy
Ghost and the inspiration of the Lord? You
have done this year by year for a whole generation
as men count time. Therefore your garments are clean of the blood of this generation, and
especially of this nation. Therefore, as I have
said in a former commandment, so I the Lord
say again unto mine apostles, go ye alone by