I am happy to acknowledge
the receipt of your regulurly Communication
from the "Historians Office" designed for
"The Luminary." They have not yet
found their way to their rightful des-
tination from the fact that I have not
yet been able to recommece its publication
but they have afforded me much interest
and pleasure in perusal, and I trust
to be still favored with your valuable
Correspendence. And when I recommence
the Louminary, which I expect will be
in a few weeks. Your Communication's
will find a distinguished position, &
will doubtless be appreciated by my
You will have learned by my
letter to Gov Young that I was unable
to get up the NewDeseretType early
enough to send across the plains this
fall, but there is one Item I wish
to call your attention to -- and through
you that of the Board of Regents --
that is, what letters in the
"Letter from Erastus Snow, 25 September 1856," p. 1, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed September 21, 2024, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/OGBN