I wrote [FIGURE] 3 Letter to Wilford– Owen & Alice & sent Elias letter
to his father in the Letter I wrote to
him All the comp[an]y but myself
have gone out to day Brother Cannon has gone to se if He can learn
learn any thing from the Rail Road
about the Letter sent him with
our transportation tickets which
have miscarreighd
~ Saturday
22 Ella calld upon us in
the Morning with her babe
Bill at palace Hotel$765
$66,70 Aug 22 [18]96 for 13 days
I wrote 3 Letters to Wilford –
Owen & Alice & sent Elias letter
to his father in the Letter I wrote to
him All the Company but myself
have gone out to day Brother
Cannon has gone to see He Can
learn any thing from the Rail road
about the Letter sent him with
our transportation tickets which
have miscarried
22 Ella called upon us in
the Morning with her babe
Bill at palace Hotel
$66,70 Aug 22 1896 for 13 days
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