expects to take me back in a week or ten
days. It was said to it was
not good to be alone. I have been alone
a great deal since I have been a married
man, and for the last two years I have
not been with any of my family but very
little, with the exception of riding with
and her family 200 miles to ,
and since I last wrote you I have been
having some very poor turns of what is
called Bright's disease, or kidney disease,
the worst I have every had. In one instance
I became almost blind, speechless, and had
loss of memory for half an hour. My senses
then all returned. I was very weary
at the time, having travelled about
40 miles that day. Notwithstanding
this, my vital health is good. I have
lost considerable flesh this season. I
thought I had better have one of my wives
spend the winter with me and nurse me.
I have travelled 1000 miles since the first of
June in lumber wagons, though I had
a spring seat the last 350 miles. I am
in . I do not pretend to
go to the houses of any of my families.
Very few know that I am in the county.
The fewer who know of our whereabouts the
expects to take me back in a week or ten
days. It was said to it was
not good to be alone. I have been alone
a great deal since I have been a married
man, and for the last two years I have
not been with any of my family but very
little, with the exception of riding with
and her family 200 miles to ,
and since I last wrote you I have been
having some very poor turns of what is
called Bright's disease, or kidney disease,
the worst I have every had. In one instance
I became almost blind, speechless, and had
loss of memory for half an hour. My senses
then all returned. I was very weary
at the time, having travelled about
40 miles that day. Notwithstanding
this, my vital health is good. I have
lost considerable flesh this season. I
thought I had better have one of my wives
spend the winter with me and nurse me.
I have travelled 1000 miles since the first of
June in lumber wagons, though I had
a spring seat the last 350 miles. I am
in . I do not pretend to
go to the houses of any of my families.
Very few know that I am in the county.
The fewer who know of our whereabouts the