Letter to Brigham Young, 9 October 1844 [LE-11663]

Document Transcript

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President Young

Dear Sir

After so long a time I am among the
Saints in Boston & found them all well. I attended a Church
meeting the first Evening Elders Wm Smith G J Adams &
Brannan was present. Elder Hardy resigned his seat as president
& Joseph Ball appointed in his stead their seemed sumthing the
matter with Elder Hardy but I have not been here long Enough
hardly to know what is going on. Last Evening I attended the
opening of a Debate between G. J. Adams & Orange Backellon it will
last several nights. After I have had time to visit the Chuches
I will write again, But as I had An opportunity of sending by
Elder Wingate I thought I would improve it. I am going to Labour
to morrow night to hold a meeting & will not Finish this lettr untill
I have been there.

Salem Saturday
I have held 2 meetings in Salem all is well here I gave Vilate
her letter I am stoping with her at Br Felts she is going to school
she seems to desire to go home. I advised her to be as contented as she
could & get what learning she could untill you sent for her
they are all well & doing well here. I had the perusal of the
Times & Seasons containing the trial of Elder Rigdon & as his
circulars are through this country I felt it my duty to write a
peace in the Prophet upon that subject, & I have done so as I had
a chance to give my testimony upon the same, their has been
some money donated for the Temple put into the hands of Br
Wm Smith which I understand he will send up by Elder Adams
who is going to Nauvoo soon I shall urge upon the Saints
to do what they can for the Temple this fall. I hear rumours
evry day about the Govornor calling out the Milii^t^ia to take the

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murderours &c But we cannot depend upon any thing
I have one requst I wish to make of you I shall send with
this letter a package of letters which I wish you to put into the
hands of my Brothr in Law Dwight Webster yourself & see them opened
as you might assist him to distribute them as they contain some matters
on my temporal affairs taxes &c, their is one to send to Br Benbow about
my little Boy Wilford. I feel anxious to hear from you & the Saints
in Nauvoo during the sickly season. I see in some paper that
John P Green was dead I was sorry to hear it for he was a usful
man. Father Nickerson is with me in Salem is visiting the
Eastern Chuches he is a good man & doing good. I had a good
respectable congregation last evening in Salem Br Smith
preaches this evening & Adams tomorrow. I hold a meeting this
Evening in Boston & tomorrow. Br & Sister Felt sends their best
respects to you, speaking of Vilate she is a little homesick does
not Enjoy her school much, stays at home some of the time,
Boston (I will relate to you the following dream that Br
Whitmore of Salem had a few nights since & you can take care of it
he prayed in the Evening that Joseph Smith might appear to him in a [dream]
he went to bed & fell asleep & dreamed that he saw the heavens opened & saw
some Eternal things, he looked upon the ground on green turf saw a
person rise out of the Earth, & while he was rising Another person came
to him & said that is Joseph. Joseph did not speik to him but as
he assended droped small slips of paper upon the grave from which he
arose. Br Whitmore went to pick them up for they contained writing he
picked up one & read it which said (Emma is not worthy of me) he wanted
to read the rest but the person with him put them into his
pocket and would not let him see any more). I have had some dreams
myself of late that mean sumthing which I shall undersand in time

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. I had a good time yesterday through the day
peached twice. I walked with Sister Cobb from sister Voice to
meeting yesterday, was well in good spirits, was disappointed in not
having a letter from you. will write to you to day, all
was as well as could be expected at home. the Saints seemed
glad to see me in Boston. Millerism is now at its highest
pitch in Boston the last time is now set I think the 22nd of this
month they have made such fuss that their has been talk
of tearing down their Tabernacle but I hope the people will let
them alone. I addess the Chuch in this place in planness upon
the subject of politiks. Advised them to let it alone & not vote
or mingle with it, for I suppose that will be the case ^course^ taken
in Nauvoo.

As Ever I reman yous with respet & Essteem

W. Woodruff

P.S. Elder Adams is I understand a going to hold a debate in
New Bedford with Backellon & then return to Nauvoo

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[sideways text] Mr Brigham Young
Ill [end of sideways text]

W. Woodruff
B. Young
Novr 20th 1844

[sideways text] Octr 9 1844 [end of sideways text]