Discourse 1870-10-15


Discourse 1870-10-15
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    Elder W. Woodruff regarded this school was one of the greatest priveleges the Elders can enjoy—we are taught here how to build up the Kingdom of God—we can see the hand of God in inspiring his servant Brigham in opening this school, the Cooperative movement &c which soon developed a secret of plot of apostacy And which had been revealed to Prest Young some time before it was making made manifest. The cup of this Nations iniquity will soon be filled up, and the judgments of God will break it to pieces ...
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    He hoped every Elder & boy in Israel will have a good rifle and Ammunition, all in readiness to defend ourselves and Families, that God and Angels may see that we are willing to do anything that is required of us— but He for one had great Faith in prayer— let every Saint bear up before the Lord those who are in our midst seeking to destroy us— He believed God will not only hear, but answer the prayers of his saints, which are offered up in earnestness & faith. ...