of Zion, is such unity—for there the Lord com-
manded the blessing—life forever more! Unity
is power, and when the brethren as one man,
sustain the 'Times and Seasons,' they sustain
me, by giving a spread to the revelations, faith,
works, history, and progress of the church.—
The brethren who conduct the paper have
been appointed to that important station be-
cause they are worthy and well qualified, and
what a blessed sign of a faithful friend to God
and man is it, to see the charity of a brother
support his brethren as an evidence that he
means to pass from death into life?
Many of the articles which appear in the
Times and Seasons, are extracts of revelations,
translations, or are the united voice of confer-
ences, which like 'apples of gold in baskets of
silver,' are treasures more than meet for the
called, chosen, and faithful among the saints;
and should be more than drink to those that
hunger and thirst after righteousness. As is rising in glory and greatness, so shall I
expect to see the Times and Seasons increase in
circulation by the vigilance of the elders and
saints—so as to be a herald of truth, and a
standard of pure and undefiled religion. Fin-
ally, men and brethren, when you support my
friends, you support me.
In the bonds of the
new and everlasting
covenant, I am your
humble servant,