pment of Protestantism, and would
so no accede to the moderate demands
of the Puritan party; hence all the
trouble and mischief which after-
ward resulted, and those grevious
trials to which the nation was
subjected in the present day, never
did stand higher among the
nations of the world than she did
under the rule of .
Every successive administration
from 1829 to the present day, no matter
of what party, had ben brought on
its knees before the Popish faction
and concession after concesian had
ben made, till there was nothing
much left to concede. Owing to the
pment of Protestantism, and would
no accede to the moderate demands
of the Puritan party; hence all the
trouble and mischief which afterward resulted, and those grevious
trials to which the nation was
subjected in the present day, never
did stand higher among the
nations of the world than she did
under the rule of .
Every successive administration
from 1829 to the present day, no matter
of what party, had ben brought on
its knees before the Popish faction
and concession after concesian had
ben made, till there was nothing
much left to concede. Owing to the