10 Rome. He said that Papacy had
obtained sutch a hold in the country that it could not be got
rid of, except by a tremendous
struggle involving perhaps a civil
war. He advocated that they should
eliminate from the book of cannon
prayer every one of those passages
which seemed to afford a foothold
to those who were raising that
terrible superstructure of Romanism
The Protestant clergy had not done
their duty in the matter, for Romanism
in the church would have ben stifled
if all the clergy had gone to the Arch-
bishops and Bishops, and protested
that they could not remain in the
Rome. He said that Papacy had
obtained sutch a hold in the
country that it could not be got
rid of, except by a tremendous
struggle involving perhaps a civil
war. He advocated that they should
eliminate from the book of cannon
prayer every one of those passages
which seemed to afford a foothold
to those who were raising that
terrible superstructure of Romanism
The Protestant clergy had not done
their duty in the matter, for Romanism
in the church would have ben stifled
if all the clergy had gone to the Archbishops and Bishops, and protested
that they could not remain in the
"Letter from Asahel Hart Woodruff, 2 February 1885," p. 10, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 27, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/Pr56