and we feel themir influence. We allso have all the devils that
fall from Heaven & wicked men to contend with but whare,
those spirits have power on a person they Effect the body
but does it take any Glory from Vilate because of her affliction
No not in the least she will have a greater reward. She has
not Been afflicted because of sins. But Because the devil
has power on her body & some in this city who cherish Evil
spirits & Devils they try to destroy the ignorant Vilate will
come forth with her body & will stand at the Head of this
Family & Heber at her head as he has here & this will be
the case with all who are good. Now we should prepare
ourselves to go as well as Vilate has. let us be faithful
till we hear the Trump sound. I Expect Joseph Smith
will be the first man resurrected then He will resurr[ec]t
his family Just when he pleases & if we live so as to come
forth in the first resurrection we shall rejoice to all Eternity
President Joseph Young spoke a few moments It was a solem
time At the close of the funeral the Body was removed to the
Family Grave of Brother Kimball
~ Monday
Oct 26, 1868 To day was quite a serious day I was quite Feble in health and about noon my Indian Boy Sarokeets came up from the field & had quit his work &
had left the Cane Mill with No one to Feed it & they
were Boiling Molasses & had not help Enough so they set
my little son Asahel ownly 5 years old to feed the mill
so while feeding he got his right hand caught in the rollers
He hallowed & the Mule was instantly stoped & the Mill
rolled back but still it smashed about one half of his hand his
Mother Emma & Wilford took him into the waggon & came to
the city as soon as they could, they came to Dr Olmsby, & while
I was talking to Keets Wilford drove up & informed me of the accident
that had happened to Asahel I immediately went to the
docters & there found the Boy with his hand in a dredful
condition we gave him cloraform & it took about one hour
to dress his hand it took off his Thumb & two fingers But
The Funeral of Vilate Kimball Oct 24 1867
and we feel their influence. We also have all the devils that
fall from Heaven & wicked men to contend with but whare,
those spirits have power on a person they Effect the body
but does it take any Glory from Vilate because of her affliction
No not in the least she will have a greater reward. She has
not Been afflicted because of sins, But Because the devil
has power on her body & some in this City who cherish Evil
spirits & devils they try to destroy the ignorant Vilate will
come forth with her body & will stand at the Head of this
Family & Heber at her head as he has here & this will be
the case with all who are good. Now we should prepare
ourselves to go as well as Vilate has. let us be faithful
till we hear the Trump sound. I Expect Joseph Smith
will be the first man resurrected then He will resurrect
his family Just when he pleases & if we live so as to come
forth in the first Resurrection we shall rejoice to all Eternity
President Joseph Young spoke a few moments It was a solem
time At the close of the funeral the Body was removed to the
Family Grave of Brother Kimball
One Line Blank
~ Monday
Oct 26, 1868 To day was quite a serious day I was quite
[FIGURE] Feble in health and about noon my Indian Boy
Sarokeets came up from the field & had quit his work &
had left the Cane Mill with No one to Feed it & they
were Boiling Molasses & had not help Enough so they set
my little son Asahel ownly 5 years old to feed the mill
so while feeding he got his right hand caught in the rollers
He hallowed & the Mule instantly stoped & the Mill
rolled back but still it smashed about one half of his hand his
Mother Emma & Wilford took him into the waggon & came to
the City as soon as they could, they came to Dr Olmsby, & while
I was talking to Keets Wilford drove up & informed me of the accident
that had happened to Asahel I immediately went to the
docters & there found the Boy with his hand in a dredful
condition we gave him cloraform & it took about one hour
to dress his hand it took off his Thumb & two fingers But
"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," October 26, 1868, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 8, 2025,