I returned from the farm this morning & spent
the day in the Legislature. President Young & several of the
Twelve went to Provo to Hold a 2 days meeting. I went to the field
~ Saturday
6 I returned from the field A& attended the school of the
Prophets & addressed the school was followed By C. C. Rich
& Erastus SnowWilliam Smoot & Mother & wife visited
us in the Evening 4 M[iles]
~ Sunday
7. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning was
introduced to the Rev Mr Stewart of Penn, a Prybbatrn
Clergamian I attended meeting at the Tabernacle
in the morning. C. C. Rich spoke 40 minutes. Afternoon Erastus Snow spoke one hour & 50 Minutes the Rever
Mr Stewart spoke 30 minutes upon the tex He cthat
ruleth over his own spiritsts is greater than he that
taketh a City [Proverbs 16:32]. Mr Stewart spoke in the Evening
at the 14 ward assembly room He spoke about
45 minutes upon the saying of Paul let us lay aside
evry wait & the sin which doth so Easily beset us &
rum for the Prize &c [Hebrews 12:1] I followed him & spoke near
an hour & showed the assembly we must keep the
commandm[en]ts of God as well as to believe in Christ
in order to be saved. The House was vary full
10th I spent the forenoon in the legislature also the afternoon
~ Thursday
11 I spent the day in the Legislator & went to the farm in the
Evening President Young told me if I wanted any assist-
ance to call upon him
~ Friday
12. I came home from the farm & spent the day in the Legislature
~ Friday
Feb 5, 1869
[FIGURE] I returned from the farm this morning & spent
the day in the Legislature. President Young & several of the
Twelve went to Provo to Hold a 2 days meeting. I went to the field
7. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning was
introduced to the Rev Mr Stewart of Penn, a Prybbatrn
Clergaman I attended meeting at the Tabernacle
in the morning. C. C. Rich spoke 40 minutes. Afternoon
Erastus Snow spoke one hour & 50 Minutes the Rever
Mr Stewart spoke 30 minutes upon the tex Hethat
ruleth over his own spirits is greater than he that
taketh a City Mr Stewart spoke in the Evening
at the 14 ward assembly room He spoke about
45 minutes upon the saying of Paul let us lay aside
evry wait & the sin which doth so Easily beset us &
rum for the Prize &c I followed him & spoke near
an hour & showed the assembly we must keep the
commandments of God as well as to believe in Christ
in order to be saved. The House was vary full
"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," February 5, 1869 - February 12, 1869, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 11, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/Dk0n