build a stageing some 10 feet high out of plank to get the Horses up
& covered it with coal sinders when I brought the Horses to it they would
not go up. I them went [t]o Mr Hammer an Apostate Mormon & bitter
at that who had the ownly hay in the place & asked him to sell me 50 cts
worth of Hay. He caught the same spirits of the others went & put up the
hay & carried it for me to the Depo I laid it on the platform at
the Head of the stageing & both of My Horses readily went to it. I led
them inside we then went to work & had to take the waggon all to
peaces & lift it up a wheel to [at a] time some 8 feet perpendicular to get it in-
to the store house. when the freight train came along Mr Haven stoped
it & had the Engineer take his Engine & bring up the car 100 yards to the
platform for me to load my Horses & waggon in. I got my Horses in without
difficulty but in trying to get my Box in with the Bows & cover on we got
stuck fast with one end on the platform & the other against the side of the car the
Engineer would not wait any longer but started on with his train &
left me Mr Haven telegraphed to Evanston to send him another Engine
we went to work took the cover & Bows of the waggon Box & got it loaded
& when I got all my things on board & got on board with my
Horses & waggon & myself an Engine came Down from Evanston
& Mr Haven ordered the Engineer to hitch on to that car &
take it to Ogden & he done so but did not like it much as He
had to travel something like 160 miles to go to Ogden & back just to take
me down when the car started I bid my Friends good by &
knelt down by the side of My Horses & felt to return harty thanks
to God my Heavenly Father for the Deliverance he had wrought out
for me. I had wallowed in the snow all day untill I was wet to my
armpits I changed my clothing in the car & rode in the car 65 M[iles]
to Ogden without a fire I arived in Ogden abot 10 oclok I went
to Bishop Herricks & spent the night
~ Tuesday
28 I arose in the morning refreshed by sleep. Bishop Herrick loand
me $25 to pay my Bill at the rail road & received his pay again
in Salt Lake City the same day. I went to the Depo & paid my Bill
which was ownly $26 for myself & Horses & wgaggon. Mr Haven did
not charge me for the use of the car or Engine ownly ownly the freight
on my team & waggon if he had charged me for all that was done
for me it would have Been $150. I drove to kays ward Bishop Layton
build a stageing some 10 feet high out of plank to get the Horses up
& covered it with coal sinders when I brought the Horses to it they would
not go up. I them went to Mr Hammer an Apostate Mormon & bitter
at that who had the ownly hay in the place & asked him to sell me 50 cts
worth of Hay. He caught the same spirits of the others went & put up the
hay & carried it for me to the Depo I laid it on the platform at
the Head of the stageing & both of My Horses readily went to it I led
them inside we then went to work & had to take the waggon all to
peaces & lift it up a wheel to at a time some 8 feet perpendicular to get it into the store house. when the freight train came along Mr Haven stoped
it & had the Engineer take his Engine & bring up the car 100 yards to the
platform for me to load my Horses & waggon in. I got my Horses in without
difficulty but in trying to get my Box in with the Bows & cover on we got
stuck fast with one End on the platform & the other against the side of the car the
Engineer would not wait any longer but started on with his train &
left me Mr Haven telegraphed to Evanston to send him another Engine
we went to work took the cover & Bows of the waggon Box & got it loaded
& when I got all my things on board & got on board with my
Horses & waggon & myself an Engine came Down from Evanston
& Mr Haven ordered the Engineer to hitch on to that car &
take it to Ogden & he done so but did not like it much as He
had to travel something like 160 miles to go to Ogden & back just to take
me down when the car started I bid my Friends good by &
knelt down by the side of My Horses & felt to return harty thanks
to God my Heavenly Father for the Deliverance he had wrought out
for me I had wallowed in the snow all day untill I was wet to my
armpits I changed my clothing in the car & rode in the car 65 Miles
to Ogden without a fire I arived in Ogden abot 10 oclok I went
to Bishop Herricks & spent the night
~ Tuesday
28 I arose in the morning refreshed by sleep Bishop Herrick loand
me $25 to pay my Bill at the Rail Road & received his pay again
in Salt Lake City the same day. I went to the Depo & Paid my Bill
which was ownly $26 for myself & Horses & waggon. Mr Haven did
not charge me for the use of the car or Engine ownly the freight
on my team & waggon if he had charged me for all that was done
for me it would have Been $150. I drove to kays ward Bishop Layton
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"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," November 27, 1871 - November 28, 1871, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 5, 2025,