27 & 29. I spent my time cutting wheat & putting it up it
is vary remarkable that I have had 10 to 15 Boshels of Grass
hopper to the Acre on my wheat for some two months & now
I am cutting wheat which will yield 40 bushels to the acre
~ Thursday
30. I spent the day weeding out squashes & potatoes.
Aug 1. I spent the day in the forenoon in the Endowm[en]t House we
gave Endow[me]nts to 53 G Q Cannon sealed 3 couple D H Wells 13
and W Woodruff 7. I attended the school of the Prophets in the after[noon] O Pratt Prayed Presid[en]t Young spok 40 Minutes G A Smith 20 Brother Chrisman 30 Minutes W Woodruff 8 minutes & Levi Hancock 10,
& Presid[en]t Young 10 Minutes I was at Presid[en]t Youngs & was
introduced to Miss Ince the Theatrical performer I went to the Theater
in the Evening. I rec[eive]d 3 letters & wrote one in return
~ Sunday
Aug 2nd Sunday in company with President YoungG. A. Smith D H WellsG Q Cannon & others we rode to Cahoons ward & held a
held a meeting at 10 oclok W. Woodruff Prayed & D. H. Wells spoke
33 Minutes & G. A. Smith 30 M[inutes], A M Musser 31 Minutes Afternoon
W Woodruff spoke 30 Minutes, G. Q Cannon 30 M[inutes], & Presid[en]t
Young spoke 58 Minutes & Meeting dismissed. I laid
hands upon John Benbow & administered to him he has
Been vary sick we returned home distance 20 M[iles]
7 I finished Harvesting today & returned to the city
~ Saturday
8. I spent the forenoon in the Endowm[en]t House we gave Endowm[en]ts
to 36. D H. Wells sealed 10, & W Woodruff 9, the afternoon
I spent in the school of the Prophets President Young & several
others spoke
27 28 & 29. I spent my time cutting wheat & putting it up it
is vary remarkable that I have had 10 to 15 Boshels of Grass
hopper to the Acre on my wheat for some two months & now
I am cutting wheat which will yield 40 bushels to the acre
~ Thursday
30. I spent the day weeding out squashes & potatoes.
Aug 1. I spent the forenoon in the Endowment House we
gave Endowments to 53 G Q Cannon sealed 3 couple D H Wells 13
and W Woodruff 7. I attended the school of the Prophets in the afternoon
O Pratt Prayed President Young spok 40 Minutes G A Smith 20 Brother
Chrisman 30 Minutes W Woodruff 8 minutes & Levi Hancock 10,
& President Young 10 Minutes I was at President Youngs & was
introduced to Miss Ince the Theatrical performer I went to the Theater
in the Evening. I received 3 letters & wrote one in return
~ Sunday
Aug 2nd Sunday in company with President YoungG. A. SmithD H WellsG Q Cannon & others we rode to Cahoons ward & held a
held a meeting at 10 oclok W. Woodruff Prayed & D. H. Wells spoke
33 Minutes & G. A. Smith 30 Minutes, A M Musser 31 Minutes Afternoon
W Woodruff spoke 30 Minutes, G Q Cannon 30 Minutes, & President
Young spoke 58 Minutes & Meeting dismissed. I laid
hands upon John Benbow & administered to him he has
Been vary sick we returned home Distance 20 Miles
during the Evening I gave Sister Edward Oakey her
2nd Anointing
~ Monday
3rd I spent the day in my Garden
~ Tuesday to ~ Thursday
4 5 & 6. I spent the time Harvesting
~ Friday
7 I finished Harvesting today & returned to the city
"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," July 27, 1868 - August 9, 1868, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 8, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/9rgx