During the Evening I visited Brother Ott wohho was low with the
consumption & administered to him
~ Monday
6. I spent the day hoeing in my Garden
~ Tuesday
7. I received a letter from Wilford & Emily & wrot
one to them in return I went to the Endowment House & we
gave Endowments to 29. D H Wells sealed 11 couple
10. I returned to the city we had a vary hard rain storm
~ Saturday
11. I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House we gave
Endowments to 49 D H Wells sealed 18 couples & W Woodruff 14 couple
I attended the school of the prophets in the afternoon
23rd Emma had a Daughter born 15 minutes past 8 oclok
in the morning Sister Harrington was in attendance
~ Friday
24. July This day was celebrated as the Anaversary of the
Enterance of the Pione[e]rs into this valley
~ Saturday
25 I cut my oats & Barly to day & shoked it up we had a hard
rain storm in the Afternoon D H. Wells & others gave Endow-
ments to 536. D. H. Wells sealed 32 couple
~ Sunday
26. Sunday I did not attend meeting in the morning
Afternoon Brother Nesbit spoke 40 Minutes G A Smith 22 M
President Young & others preached in [blank] ward
I attended the funeral of Mrs Neff
During the Evening I visited Brother Ott who was low with the
consumption & administered to him
~ Monday
6. I spent the day hoeing in my Garden
~ Tuesday
7. FIGURES I received a letter from Wilford & Emily & wrote
one to them in return I went to the Endowment House & we
gave Endowmets to 29. D H Wells sealed 11 couple
10. I returned to the city we had a vary hard rain storm
~ Saturday
11. I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowmet House we gave
Endowments to 49 D H Wells sealed 18 couples & W Woodruff 14 couple
I attended the school of the prophets in the afternoon
23rd [FIGURE] Emma had a Daughter born 15 minutes past 8 oclok
in the morning Sister Harrington was in attendance
~ Friday
24. July This day was celebrated as the Anaversary of the
Enterance of the Pioneers into this valley
~ Saturday
25 I cut my Oats & Barly to day & shocked it up we had a hard
rain storm in the Afternoon D H. Wells & others gave Endowmets to 56. D. H. Wells sealed 32 couple
~ Sunday
26. Sunday I did not attend meeting in the morning
Afternoon Brother Nesbit spoke 40 Minutes G A Smith 22 Minutes
President Young & others Preached in [blank] ward
I attended the funeral of Mrs Neff
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," July 5, 1868 - July 26, 1868, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 18, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/82Em