Dear Brother, I have intended
to write to you, for a long time, but for various reasons
it has been postponed till the present. Br Bentley
told me when he arrived in Liverpool, that you
requested him to speak to me about writing my
history. this he Done. I felt to appreciate your knid [kind]
requst. it seems imposible for me to Do any thing
of the kind in this country our labors have
occupied all our time and no Doubt will till we
leave here besides I could write it more to my
sattisfaction at homee where I could refer to Dates
and frinds as well as all my Journals. the President
has Given us Liberty to return home this summer
which, will soon, I trust place in^me^ in a situation
to write my history. I have felt the necesity of this
keenly, and trust I will be spared ^un^till it is completed
my health is quite good at present, except I have
been lame, for some time. I sliped in pasing Down
a flight of stairs in Norway and strained my left
Ancle it was quite painful at first but but got
sideways text Jan. 18, 1862
C. C. Rich
W. Woodruff,
recd Feb. 19. end of sideways text
Dear Brother, I have intended
to write to you, for a long time, but for various reasons
it has been postponed till the present. Br Bentley
told me when he arrived in Liverpool, that you
requested him to speak to me about writing my
history. this he Done. I felt to appreciate your kind
requst. it seems imposible for me to Do any thing
of the kind in this country our labors have
occupied all our time and no Doubt will till we
leave here besides I could write it more to my
sattisfaction at homee where I could refer to Dates
and frinds as well as all my Journals. the President
has Given us Liberty to return home this summer
which, will soon, I trust placeme in a situation
to write my history. I have felt the necesity of this
keenly, and trust I will be spared untill it is completed
my health is quite good at present, except I have
been lame, for some time. I sliped in pasing Down
a flight of stairs in Norway and strained my left
Ancle it was quite painful at first but got
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"Letter from Charles Coulson Rich, 18 January 1862," p. 1, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 14, 2025,