After consulting upon the subject the quorum
appointed TElders J. Taylor & W Woodruff of
the Twelve to Edit the Times & Seasons & take
charge of the whole esstablishment under the
direction of Joseph the Seer. Accordingly I left
my station at the Nauvoo provision store &
commenced this day to labour for the Church in
the printing esstablishment. Elder Taylor &
myself spent the afternoon in taking an invoice
of the printing esstablishment & met in council
in the evening at Joseph store
~ Friday
4th I spent the day with Br Taylor in finishing the
invoice of the printing esstablishment Books &
stationary & in the evening we again met at Josephs store & E Robinson made out the deed to W
Richards of his lot & house containing the printing
esstablishment & all Appurtenances belonging thereto
Amounting in all to $6,600 dollars
~ Saturday
5th Saturday this is tithing day I Assisted Elder W. Richards in taking in the tithing for the Temple
it was a busy day. we took in $1000 dollars of property
or more I spent the evening with Joseph & Elder
Richards at the printing office
~ Sunday
6th Sunday I spent the day at home writing Elders Young & Kimball have gone to La harp to hold a two days
~ Tuesday
Feb 1st I assisted in drawing up from the river two
large stones to the Nauvoo house for the threshholds of doors
Feb 3rd 1842 Thursday [FIGURE] A Revelation was given a
few days since for the Twelve to obtain the printing esstablishment of E Robinson & govern the
printing of the Times & Seasons & all the church
publications as they are directed by my Holy
Spirit in the midst of their councils saith the Lord
After consulting upon the subject the quorum
appointed Elders J. Taylor & W Woodruff of
the Twelve to Edit the Times & Seasons & take
charge of the whole esstablishment under the
direction of Joseph the Seer. Accordingly I left
my station at the Nauvoo provision store &
commenced this day to labour for the church in
the printing esstablishment. Elder Taylor &
myself spent the afternoon in taking an invoice
of the printing esstablishment & met in council
in the evening at Joseph store
~ Friday
4th I spent the day with Br Taylor in finishing the
invoice of the printing esstablishment Books &
stationary & in the evening we again met at JosephsStore & E Robinson made out the deed to W
Richards of his lot & house containing the printing
esstablishment & all appurtenances belonging thereto
Amounting in all to $6,600 dollars
~ Saturday
5th Saturday this is tithing day I assisted Elder
W. Richards in taking in the tithing for the Temple
it was a busy day, we took in $1,000 dollars of property
or more I spent the evening with Joseph & Elder
Richards at the printing office
~ Sunday
6th Sunday I spent the day at home writing. Elders
Young & Kimball have gone to Laharp to hold a two days
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1841 – December 31, 1842)," February 1, 1842 - February 6, 1842, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 29, 2025,