case would pass as relatives, cousins etc.
and you could depend on full secretiveness
on my part.
Perhaps it would be advisable for you to
send to my residence one of your Swiss Missionaries,
so could talk with him.
If it would be ^deemed^ advisable, I could come
at my own expense next Summer to
and present myself to you, and I could
return after some months stay to .
Should my proposed missionary labors
prove a failure, I could sell my estate
in to emigrate for good to Utah.
Excuse me, Reverend Sir, I have poured
out my soul to you with enthusiasm and
On account of the importance of this
affair I beg you speedily for an answer
(please translate in the German language.)
My Photograph as also a Photograph
of my residence and surroundings I have
taken the liberty to inclose, perhaps it
might be, that it may become the
case would pass as relatives, cousins etc.
and You could depend on full secretiveness
on my part.
Perhaps it would be advisable for You to
send to my residence one of Your Swiss Missionaries,
so could talk with him.
If it would be deemed advisable, I could come
at my own expense next Summer to
and present myself to You, and I could
return after some months stay to .
Should my proposed missionary labors
prove a failure, I could sell my estate
in to emigrate for good to Utah.
Excuse me, Reverend Sir, I have poured
out my soul to You with enthusiasm and
On account of the importance of this
affair I beg You speedily for an answer
(please translate in the German language.)
My Photograph as also a Photograph
of my residence and surroundings I have
taken the liberty to inclose, perhaps it
might be, that it may become the