have put away all foolish nonsense
of life and have retired into an Italian
village, called , where the suitable
climate for orchards and the raising of fruit,
as also the utter retirement from the noise
of the world, corresponds with my feelings, and
where I have obtained my own property.
Here, at the foot of the Venetian Alps—only
surrounded by peasants, I have found, that
the spirit of man gains that freshness and
strength necessary to distinguish Truth from Error.
To be short, I can say that the Church of Jesus
Christ of L. D. Saints is the only true religion
for humanity in this time and age of the world,
that ^said^ Church must be victorious in the end and
I can foresee that the time is not far, when
she will come out conqueror over the Gentiles.
I have the plan or scheme, to work here
in , here on my estate, quietly in the
interests of the Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. Saints,
and do that work with the power ^strength^ of all my
reasoning powers and spirit.
I am acquainted with the European ways,
and I know, that especially in ^among^ the peaseantry
have put away all foolish nonsense
of life and have retired into an Italian
village, called , where the suitable
climate for orchards and the raising of fruit,
as also the utter retirement from the noise
of the world, corresponds with my feelings, and
where I have obtained my own property.
Here, at the foot of the Venetian Alps -- only
surrounded by peasants, I have found, that
the spirit of man gains that freshness and
strength necessary to distinguish Truth from Error.
To be short, I can say that the Church of Jesus
Christ of L. D. Saints is the only true religion
for humanity in this time and age of the world,
said Church must be victorious in the end and
I can foresee that the time is not far, when
she will come out conqueror over the Gentiles.
I have the plan or scheme, to work here
in Europe, here on my Estate, quietly in the
interests of the Church of Jesus Christ of L. D. Saints,
and do that work with the strength of all my
reasoning powers and spirit.
I am acquainted with the European ways,
and I Know, that especially among the peaseantry