Highest peack of rocks any whare in this region
of country a good deal of the way up was
almost perpendicular. I was informed that
Elder O Pratt while esstablishing the branch
in Edinborough freequented the top of this
rock as a place of retirement & meditation
from this rock we had a full view of
the whole city of Edinborough & the surro-
unding country for many miles, which was
a sublime view I was quite unwell with a
severe cold in the morning & I was quite
weary in reaching the top of this seat, as was
the case with most of the brethren. After
we had taken a sufficient view of the sour-
roundeding country we again desended into
the city took Dinner After which we visited
several of the Saints. And in the evening I
attended a council of officers, was vary
ho^a^rse had a sore throat yet I addressed the
Elders at some length At the close of the
meeting A man holding the office of a prist
but had tried to Apostitize for a long time arose
& opposed the work I answered his questions
he wished to leave the Church & we wished
to have him & so he was cut off. I spent
the night at 2 High Riggs distance 10 m
~ Tuesday
25th We Parted with the Saints in Edinborough
took cars rode to Glasgow spent 3 hours
in the place Parted with the Saints there &
took rail road & rode to Greenock there took
steemboat for Liverpool in company with Br Hedlock we had left Br Ward in Edinborough
by accident. I spent the night on board of the
boat And a sick disagreeable night it was we arived
in Liverpool next morning Distance from Edinborough 330 [miles]
Highest peack of rocks any whare in this region
of country a good deal of the way up was
almost perpendicular. I was informed that
Elder O Pratt while esstablishing the branch
in Edinborough freequented the top of this
rock as a place of retirement & meditation
from this rock we had a full view of
the whole city of Edinborough & the surrounding country for many miles, which was
a sublime view I was quite unwell with a
severe cold in the morning & I was quite
weary in reaching the top of this seat, as was
the case with most of the brethren. After
we had taken a sufficient view of the surrounding country we again desended into
the city took Dinner After which we visited
several of the saints. And in the evening I
attended a council of officers, was vary
hoarse had a sore throat yet I addressed the
Elders at some length at the close of the
meeting a man holding the office of a prist
but had tried to apostitize for a long time arose
& opposed the work I answered his questions
he wished to leave the Church & we wished
to have him & so he was cut off. I spent
the night at 2 High Riggs distance 10 m
~ Tuesday
25th We Parted with the Saints in Edinborough
took cars rode to Glasgow spent 3 hours
in the place Parted with the Saints there &
took rail road & rode to Greenock there took
Steemboat for Liverpool in company with Br
Hedlock we had left Br Ward in Edinborough
by accident. I spent the night on board of the
boat and a sick disagreeable night it was we arived
in Liverpool next morning Distance from Edinborough 330
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"Journal (January 1, 1845 – December 31, 1846)," March 24, 1845 - March 25, 1845, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 7, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/xVz