23rd[FIGURES] I spent the day at the office I looked
over Elder Lorenzo D. Barnes Trunk
I examined his corressponding letters from
Miss Susan Conrad and other friends I
carefully filed them all with his own composit-
ions & Journals Patriarchal Blessings &c Also
A dozen or more Peaces of choice coin of ancient
Date & characters which he probably collected
for the British MuseumNauvooMuseum also
one weight as a standard for sovreigns and
his gold finger ring all of which I carefully
put in a package & sealed it with wax &
stamped it with a large Masonic stamp & wrote
upon the outside of it stating what it contai-
ned & Directed it to the Presidency of the
Church in Nauvoo. I also Packed into his
trunk one carpet bag, one splended Buffalo robe
worked with Indian Beads, one overcoat, 2 pair
of Pants, A Dress coat, several vests, three stocks,
handkerchiefs, shirts, bosoms, collars spencers,
gloves, 2 cases of raisers, two Pocket Books
containing deeds of land, & other papers one
crown in the small Pocket Book 5/ for the
Museum & a variety of other things all of which
was carefully Packed into his trunk to be sent
to Nauvoo when an opportunity offers 4 mile
After I retired to rest at night I fell asleep
And had the following dream I was in company
with a number of the Twelve & other Brethren
I thought I had Just returned to Nauvoo
from my English mission we met with Br Joseph Smith the Prophet I shook hands with him
And asked him if he & his family were well he
said they were. I Thought the endowment had been
given & he was counciling us about taking a mission
abroad some portion of the time while talking he
~ Sunday
23rd FIGURES I spent the day at the office I looked
over Elder Lorenzo D. Barnes Trunk
I examined his corressponding letters from
Miss Susan Conrad and other friends I
carefully filed them all with his own compositions & Journals Patriarchal Blessings &c Also
A dozen or more Peaces of choice coin of ancient
Date & characters which he probably collected
for the NauvooMuseum also
one weight as a Standard for sovreigns and
his gold finger ring all of which I carefully
put in a package & sealed it with wax &
stamped it with a large Masonic Stamp & wrote
upon the outside of it stating what it contained & Directed it to the Presidency of the
Church in Nauvoo. I also Packed into his
trunk one carpet bag, one splended Buffalo robe
worked with Indian Beads, one overcoat, 2 pair
of Pants, A Dress coat, several vests, three stocks,
handkerchiefs, shirts, bosoms, collars spencers,
gloves, 2 cases of raisers, two Pocket Books
containing deeds of land, & other papers one
crown in the small Pocket Book 5/ for the
Museum & a variety of other things all of which
was carefully Packed into his trunk to be sent
to Nauvoo when an opportunity offers 4 mile
After I retired to rest at night I fell asleep
And had the following dream I was in company
with a number of the Twelve & other Brethren
I thought I had just returned to Nauvoo
from my English mission we met with Br
Joseph Smith the Prophet I shook hands with him
And asked him if he & his family were well he
said they were. I Thought the endowment had been
given & he was counciling us about taking a mission
abroad some portion of the time while talking he
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1845 – December 31, 1846)," April 23, 1845, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 8, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/lmg