This Group is intended to represent at
one view the celebrated characters of the
15th centaury to give effect to which John
Knox is supposed to be insulting the Queen
(an historical fact) which she bore with
Great resignation. Near Queen Mary
stands Henry the VIII and his daughter Queen Elizabeth, behind John Knox are
figures of the great reformers Luther and Calvin
65 Mary Queen of Scotts the costume
copied from an original picture
66 King Henry the Eighth in the costume
of Francis I. He was the Hardest harted
villian And the most consomate wretch
that ever sat on a throne, lived to the
Age of 55 reigned 37 years during which
he sacrificed the lives of thousands He
had six wives two of whome were
67 Queen Elizabeth from A picture
At Hampton Court Palace by Holbein
68 John Knox costume of the day
69 John Calvin in clerical Dress
70 Martin Luther the costume from Anoriginalstatue
71 James II in A miliatary dress of 1687
72 William III In a milatary dress of the period
FAME standing on A Pedestial between Pitt & Fox
73 Rt. Hon William Pitt As a Master of Arts
74 Rt. Hon C. J. Fox As A Master of Arts
64thFrancis I of France in a cap a pie-suit
of the time with the badge of the virgin
The unfortunate Mary Gueen of ScotsReproved by John Knox
This Group is intended to represent at
one view the celebrated characters of the
15th century to give effect to which John
knox is supposed to be insulting the Queen
(an historical fact) which she bore with
great resignation. Near Queen Mary
Stands Henry the VIII and his daughter
Queen Elizabeth, behind John knox are
figures of the great reformers Luther and Calvin
65 Mary Queen of Scotts the costume
copied from an original picture
66 King Henry the Eighth in the costume
of Francis I. He was the hardest harted
villian And the most consomate wretch
that ever sat on a throne, lived to the
Age of 55 reigned 37 years during which
he sacrificed the lives of thousands He
had six wives two of whome were
67 Queen Elizabeth from A picture
at Hampton Court Palace by Holbein
68 John Knox costume of the day
69 John Calvin in clerical Dress
70 Martin Luther the costume from
An original statue
71 James II in A miliatary dress of 1687
72 William III In a milatary dress of the Period
FAME Standing on a Pedestial between Pitt & Fox
73 Rt. Hon William Pitt As a Master of Arts
74 Rt. Hon C. J. Fox As a Master of Arts
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"Journal (January 1, 1845 – December 31, 1846)," June 24, 1845, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 10, 2025,