This is the commencement of spring
in the year AD 1846 And Also my birth
day. I Am thirty Nine years of Age this day
And Am still rolling upon the Atlantic
on board the Ashburton. There is much
Joy manifest on board the ship this morn-
ing in consequence of having A fair wind
the first we have had for many days I
am fearful it will not last long but still I
hope it may The cow had a fall last night
is sick And they are about to kill her today
we are running on her our course we have
been 37 Days at sea And I expected to
have been wimyth my friends before this
time when that day will come I know not
The probability is that the year now
lying before me will be one of the most
important years of my life whare the
next birth day will find me I know not
will it be in Calafornia with the Saints
And will my Parents wife And all my
children be with me time must determin
The old cow was killed at 1 oclok. And
such a scene I never before beheld A large number
of the steerage passengers mostly Irish who
had not had any thing to eat but oat meal
for many days they fell upon the carcase
of the cow as soon as her skin was off
And cut & tore her to peases like so many
wolves And in a few moments she was carried
away by peaces And scaarcely any thing left
of her but her entrails And the Irish immediately
~ Sunday
MARCH 1st [FIGURE] 39 1846 Sunday
This is the commencement of spring
in the year AD 1846 And Also my birth
day. I Am thirty Nine years of Age this day
And Am still rolling upon the Atlantic
on board the Ashburton. There is much
Joy manifest on board the ship this morning in consequence of having A fair wind
the first we have had for many days I
am fearful it will not last long but still I
hope it may The cow had a fall last night
is sick And they are about to kill her today
we are running on our course we have
been 37 Days at sea And I expected to
have been with my friends before this
time when that day will come I know not
The probability is that the year now
lying before me will be one of the most
important years of my life whare the
next birth day will find me I know not
will it be in Calafornia with the Saints
And will my Parents wife And all my
children be with me time must determin
The old cow was killed at 1 oclok. And
such a scene I never before beheld A large number
of the steerage Passengers mostly Irish who
had not had any thing to eat but oat meal
for many days they fell upon the carcase
of the cow as soon as her skin was off
And cut & tore her to peases like so many
wolves And in a few moments she was carried
away by peaces And scarcely any thing left
of her but her entrails And the Irish immediately
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1845 – December 31, 1846)," March 1, 1846, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 16, 2025,