on His mercy and I feel we should be
faithful and humble, and prove true
unto the Lord our God because of
this mercy which has been manifested
unto us, and we should be very care-
ful hereafter, as President ex-
horted us the last time he spoke con-
cerning this people continuing to com-
mit sin. He plainly laid before us
the consequences of this course; we
should let the past suffice wherein we
have done anything in which we can-
not be justified. I am satisfied that
the people in these valleys will never
hear the same proclamation which we
have heard this winter.
If this people with the light they
have, the teachings they have, and
the examples they have had set before
them intermingled with chastisement
—if they still will go on and be neglect-
ful of their duties, with regard to their
salvation they will have to pay the
debt, for the sinner in Zion will be
cut off from the Church of God, and
will have to pay the penalty whether
it be small or great. It is of the ut-
most importance that we should guard
ourselves against sin as the tree of
life is guarded. We have no time to
throw away in the service of sin, in
committing iniquity and grieving the
Holy Spirit of God.
I tell you when you look around
and see the state of the world on the
one hand, and what we have to per-
form on the other, and what the king-
dom of God has got to arrive at in
order to fulfil its destiny and the re-
velations of Jesus Christ, our chief
object should be to build up the king-
dom of God and roll it on.
As I remarked last evening in the
High Priests' Quorum, we have been
rolling this kingdom up-hill, up a
mountain; we have been toiling
against a mighty current all the day
long from its first organization, but
the day will soon come, if this people
will do their duty and take hold of
the kingdom of God as they should
do, it will soon get on the top of the
mountain, and then it will begin to
roll down from the mountains, and it
will gather both strength and speed
as it goes, and then instead of sing-
ing, "Get out of the way, the hand-
carts rolling," it will be "Get out of
the way the kingdom's coming," and
it will not stop until it has filled the
whole earth. The Lord has pro-
claimed this in all the revelations He
has given on the subject.
This kingdom has got to stand,
spread itself abroad, and gather
unto itself strength. The Lord is
going to work with this kingdom, and
with this people. The Lord says in
the parable of the vineyard, "My ser-
vants laboured with their mights, and
the Lord laboured with them, and they
prevailed, and brought forth the fruits
of the kingdom, and the bitter branches
were broken off, and the tame olive
brought forth good fruit, and the vine-
yard was no more corrupt." This
should be uppermost in our minds,
we should look for the building up of
the kingdom, and secure not only
blessings for ourselves, but seek to
become saviours of men on Mount
Zion, and try to do all the good we
can, labouring to promote the cause
and interest of Zion in every depart-
ment thereof where we are all called
to act.
By pursuing this course we shall
be prospered, and have continual peace
in our minds, and as the Lord has
said, nothing will be withheld from
any man that seeks for the righteous-
ness and blessings of the kingdom of
God. Salvation should be the upper-
most thing with us, and you will find
if ever we seek to do something else
besides carrying out the dictates of the
Holy Spirit, we will get into the fog
and into darkness and trouble, and
we shall be ignorant of the way we
are pursuing. Every day that we
live we need the power of the Lord—
the power of His Holy Spirit and the
on His mercy and I feel we should be
faithful and humble, and prove true
unto the Lord our God because of
this mercy which has been manifested
unto us, and we should be very careful hereafter, as President exhorted us the last time he spoke concerning this people continuing to commit sin. He plainly laid before us
the consequences of this course; we
should let the past suffice wherein we
have done anything in which we cannot be justified. I am satisfied that
the people in these valleys will never
hear the same proclamation which we
have heard this winter.
If this people with the light they
have, the teachings they have, and
the examples they have had set before
them intermingled with chastisement--
if they still will go on and be neglectful of their duties, with regard to their
salvation they will have to pay the
debt, for the sinner in Zion will be
cut off from the Church of God, and
will have to pay the penalty whether
it be small or great. It is of the utmost importance that we should guard
ourselves against sin as the tree of
life is guarded. We have no time to
throw away in the service of sin, in
committing iniquity and grieving the
Holy Spirit of God.
I tell you when you look around
and see the state of the world on the
one hand, and what we have to perform on the other, and what the kingdom of God has got to arrive at in
order to fulfil its destiny and the revelations of Jesus Christ, our chief
object should be to build up the kingdom of God and roll it on.
As I remarked last evening in the
High Priests' Quorum, we have been
rolling this kingdom up-hill, up a
mountain; we have been toiling
against a mighty current all the day
long from its first organization, but
the day will soon come, if this people
will do their duty and take hold of
the kingdom of God as they should
do, it will soon get on the top of the
mountain, and then it will begin to
roll down from the mountains, and it
will gather both strength and speed
as it goes, and then instead of singing, "Get out of the way, the handcarts rolling," it will be "Get out of
the way the kingdom's coming," and
it will not stop until it has filled the
whole earth. The Lord has proclaimed this in all the revelations He
has given on the subject.
This kingdom has got to stand,
spread itself abroad, and gather
unto itself strength. The Lord is
going to work with this kingdom, and
with this people. The Lord says in
the parable of the vineyard, "My servants laboured with their mights, and
the Lord laboured with them, and they
prevailed, and brought forth the fruits
of the kingdom, and the bitter branches
were broken off, and the tame olive
brought forth good fruit, and the vineyard was no more corrupt." This
should be uppermost in our minds,
we should look for the building up of
the kingdom, and secure not only
blessings for ourselves, but seek to
become saviours of men on Mount
Zion, and try to do all the good we
can, labouring to promote the cause
and interest of Zion in every department thereof where we are all called
to act.
By pursuing this course we shall
be prospered, and have continual peace
in our minds, and as the Lord has
said, nothing will be withheld from
any man that seeks for the righteousness and blessings of the kingdom of
God. Salvation should be the uppermost thing with us, and you will find
if ever we seek to do something else
besides carrying out the dictates of the
Holy Spirit, we will get into the fog
and into darkness and trouble, and
we shall be ignorant of the way we
are pursuing. Every day that we
live we need the power of the Lord--
the power of His Holy Spirit and the