of means collected and expended, up to date of our
conference since which £18.8.0 have been collected,
besides the £50 from Elder . The great majority
of the people are very poor, and handle but little means.
How the means will be collected I do not know,
but, have faith that it will be forth coming in some
way. The feelings at conference, was to have 2000
copies printed and bound.
We much regretted that we detid not receive any
letter from you in answer to our inquiries, feel-
ing as I do, that there had been a letter sent that
should have reached us, but owing to some unknown
cause it did not arrive. cannot tell how great
was my disappointment, and those of the Elders.
We shall take no action about the printing un-
til we hear from you. The remittance, for the
return fares of the Elders, came safe, as also the
amount sent in January for Elder return
Ect. Both drafts being in excess of the amounts
sent for. That of Jany. £9.0.0 and the last £8.0.0
making a total excess of £17.0.0 which amount I
will use for the return fare of Elder ,
with the additional sum of £13.0.0 which you will
please send to me at your convenience on the Union
Bank of at . N. Z.
This amount of £13.0.0 will balance our accounts
up to date. No doubt, but the fault is with me,