Letter to Abraham Owen Smoot, 29 June 1856 [LE-1819]

Document Transcript

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Great Salt Lake City March 23rd 1856

Direct to A O Smoot
Attchson Kansas Territory

Brother Taylor

Dear Sir

I have received a summon to
start for the States this spring for the purpose of getting the
Deseret Alphabet

Great Salt Lake City

Elder A O Smoot

Dear Sir

The Eastern Mail
arived last night & to day Sunday Sister Smoot showed
me your letter which I Read with pleasure, & she is
going immediatly Home to write you an answer
your family are all well though she will write all
family matters to you. As to news with us I will
say that all things are going on right in this Territoy
as far as I know it is a general time of Health the Harvest
is coming in quite good though the Territory though
we shall loose a good Deal of wheat in the big
for the want of water nearly all the labouring
men of this city & south as far as cotton wood have had
out in Mass to work on the canal or Rather to make
a fitch [ditch] to Bring the Big Cottonwoodwood to this city
they have laboured say 400 men for two weeks & got it as
far as Big Canyon Creek which will help the 5 acres lots
but the Embankments have broake out several times & I do
not think that we shall get it into the city this City season

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Presidents B Young & H. C. Kimball has just spent 3
days on the Island among their stock they have 300 Horses
& other stok on the Island, they took their Stock a
sail boat over & back. Elder N. V. Jones has
just Returned from Exploring his lead mine in the
south finds an inexhaustable amount of it will supply
this Territory with it. Evry thing sent in the Letter Mail Bags
that arived the first of June, was lost No letters, but
Mail. the calafornia Mail came in a few days since
brought but vary little News. I find from the Eastern
papers that the war in Kansas seems to continue I see
the Mo Republican published our Deseret Constitution
& can find no fault with it. I have been vary
sick since you left home got poisoned by skinning an
Ox which came near costing me my life. I[t] cost me a
month sickness & I an not Enjoying as good health as I
did before. I learn by your letter that ther is 25000
Head of cattle on the Road & that cattle are for ^$^70 to 90
pr yoke you say that you cannot buy at that price
to buy the woollen factory if not you will the sooner
get through your week & be Ready to start Home

I hope you will get my little Bill of Articles esspecially
the Opeum for Father, as you know how He is when you
get out of medicine. I have just Returned from our
Evening council I heard Letters Read from Brother
Hart Hart F D Richards J Taylor J M Bernhisel G A
, J. L. Haywood Isaac Bullock Wm H Kimball
& Lyman Wight which gave us a good Deal
of News. We shall feel quite an anxiety about you & the

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Saints in their Emigration at least those who are
so vary late starting out. I will be pleased to hear
from you evry oppertunity We learn that the cattle
are vary High in the western States which make hard
on the Emigration but we hear that the Hand cart
have started out We have all confidence to
Believe that the Lord will be with you & the Brethren
in their Labours. Mrs Woodruff, Emma, Sarah
& all the children want to send their Love to you
Remember me to all my friends

I Remain Yours Truly

W. Woodruff

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June 29, 1856

W. Woodruff
A O. Smoot