went the journey. General
said in , that, "if he had one
thousand Mormon Boys, the same as the
Mormon Battalion, he could do more
good than all the United States soldiers
that were there:" I say, if he had been
a Mormon he would have been charged
with treason, although the government
is good, and the is as good as
could be framed.
then exhorted the Presiding Bishop
to settle with the First Presidency and
all the Bishops, and require their tithing,
the one-tenth of all their real estate, of
the value of their farms and possessions,
and all they have got, and then see that
the Bishops settle with every man, and
that he pays his tithing or we will disfel-
lowship him from the Church. I will
sell every particle of my property if a man
can be found who will pay the cash, and
I will put it all into the hands of Bishop
, and I will begin anew, and in
five years God will so bless me that I
shall be richer than any man in this
He then called on the First Presidency,
the , High Priests, Seven-
ties, and every person to know if they were
willing to do as he told them, when all
hands were immediately raised.
He lifted his hands on high and with
all the powers of the Holy Priesthood
vested in him, he blessed the in the
name of the Lord God of Israel, when all
the people cried, Amen.
On motion the Conference was ad-
journed to the 6th October next, at ten
o'clock, A.M.
Benediction by President .
Clerk of Conference.
went the journey. General
said in St. Louis, that, "if he had one
thousand Mormon Boys, the same as the
Mormon Battalion, he could do more
good than all the United States soldiers
that were there:" I say, if he had been
a Mormon he would have been charged
with treason, although the government
is good, and the Constitution is as good as
could be framed.
He then exhorted the Presiding Bishop
to settle with the First Presidency and
all the Bishops, and require their tithing,
the one-tenth of all their real estate, of
the value of their farms and possessions,
and all they have got, and then see that
the Bishops settle with every man, and
that he pays his tithing or we will disfellowship him from the Church. I will
sell every particle of my property if a man
can be found who will pay the cash, and
I will put it all into the hands of Bishop
, and I will begin anew, and in
five years God will so bless me that I
shall be richer than any man in this
He then called on the First Presidency,
the Twelve Apostles, High Priests, Seventies, and every person to know if they were
willing to do as he told them, when all
hands were immediately raised.
He lifted his hands on high and with
all the powers of the Holy Priesthood
vested in him, he blessed the Saints in the
name of the Lord God of Israel, when all
the people cried, Amen.
On motion the Conference was adjourned to the 6th October next, at ten
o'clock, A. M.
Benediction by President . ,
Clerk of Conference.