blessings of the Lord, I will, ere
the 10 of November arrives, ^be^ all pre-
pared and at the awating your will.
Asking your
prayers, and the blessings of the
Lord in my behalf.
I remain
Your humbel servant, and
Gospel Brother
We heartily endorse Brother
Charles G. Y. Higgins, as a worthy
young man, to fill a mission
to the South Western States
Respectfully your Brother
Bishop st George
By 2nd C[ounselo]r.
blessings of the Lord, I will, ere
the 10, of November arrives, be all prepared and at the awating your will.
Asking your
prayers, and the blessings of the
Lord in my behalf.
I remain
Your humbel servant, and
Gospel Brother
We heartily endorse Brother
Charles G. Y. Higgins, as a worthy
young man, to fill a mission
to the South Western States
Respectfully your Brother
Bishop St George
Br T Pleatlam 2nd Co.