The -God- of Israel. am to
Tell you that aur -Lord-
and -Savior- are well
pleased with thy forme
and True Faith. You
sufferd. You where thraughn
in Prison. You where
and are yet seperated
from Thoe's who you love
and where joined by our
-God - and - Jesus - christ-
not bound by men. mens
Law's in America have be-
come very carapte [corrupt] and The
-Judgement day is all-
most at aur Door. The
Time will come, whare
The law's of America want
halt good. The are made
by Men, and The very men
who make's thoes law's, are
often The first once who
railet them. Now my Dear
Brethern, except my con-
gratulation, and in few
The =God= of Israel. I am to
Tell you that aur = Lord =
and = Savior = are well
pleased with thy faith
and True Faith. You
sufferd. You where thraughn
in Prison. You where
and are yet seperated
from thoe's who you love
and where joined by our
not bound by men. mens
Law's in America have be=
come very carafete and The
=Judgement day is all=
most at aur Door. The
Time will come whare
the law's of America want
halt good. The are made =
by Men, and The very men
who make's those law's, are
after the first once who
railet them. Now my Dear
Brethern, except my con=
gratulation, and in few