On the 13th of Jan 1835
I left Brother Lyman Wights
in company with my Beloved
Brother Henry Brown to go forth
to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ
without purse or scrip to the people
in the South. May God grant us
wisdom and make us meet for
our Masters use and assist us to
rightly divide the word of truth and
render to evry man their portion
of meet in Due season [Luke 12:42] that our
garments may be clean of the Blood
of this generation [Doctrine and Covenants 88:85]
This is my first
mishion or the first commencement
of my travels to preach the gospel
Jan 13th I left Brother Lyman
Wights 7 miles east of Lyberty
and crossed Keerys ferry into Jackson County being the first
time my feet had ever stood upon
that land I their joined Brother
Henry in offering up our petitions
On the 13th of Jan 1835
I left Brother Lyman Wights
in company with my Beloved
Brother Henry Brown to go forth
to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ
without purse or scrip to the people
in the South. May God grant us
wisdom and make us meet for
our Masters use and assist us to
rightly divide the word of truth and
render to evry man their portion
of meet in due season that our
garments may be clean of the Blood
of this generation
This is my first
mission or the first commencement
of my travels to preach the gospel
Jan 13th I left Brother Lyman
Wights 7 miles east of Lyberty
and crossed Keerys ferry into
Jackson County being the first
time my feet had ever stood upon
that land I their joined Brother
Henry in offering up our petitions
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (December 29, 1833 – January 3, 1838)," January 13, 1835, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 2, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/lgr