Letter from Angus McDonald, 15 April 1897


Letter from Angus McDonald, 15 April 1897
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    Salt Lake City Apr. 15 [18]97. An Open letter to the 1st. Presidency and the Twelve Apostles, from a free Thinker who has found the truth of Bible Prophecy in the present facts of Mormonism. The theological teachings of the Christian World with regard to the dealings of God with the Hebrews in their coming forth from Egypt are absolutely and relatively false The prophet, seer and revelator Pres. Geo Q. Cannon voices their teachings in his discourses when he states: ...
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    that the Lord gave to the children of Israel the law of carnal command- ments for their guidance when they departed from Egypt. [Exodus 21-24] "It was admittedly an in- ferior law to that he desir- ed them to have, yet it came from the Lord. He inspired His servant Moses to do that for the people; because they were not prepared to receive and put in practice higher truths and live up to higher laws." Church & Farm, Dec. 14 [18]95. Again ...
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    law of carnal command- ments. They were not able to receive the higher law of the gospel and this law of an Eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth was given unto them by their law- giver Moses. Deseret Evening News Dec. 10 [18]92. [Exodus 21:24] The Celestial Seer, prophet, and revelator, Jos. Smith Jr., taught that the Lord God of Moses, led Moses and the Hebrew Church out of Egypt under His cloud by day and His pillar ...
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    pany of Angels; They looked into eternity and saw the Judge of all, the Mediator of the New Covenant. ^See^ Inspired Translation of the Bible, Pearl of Great Price & Jos. Smith's Letter to his uncle Silas of Sept 26 [18]33. ^1833^ While praying in the woods in 1820, Jos. Smith Jr., was baptized with fire and with the Holy Ghost. He there re- ceived the testimony of the Father and was there ordained by the Son an apostle, a living witness. The heavens were opened to him ...
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    vealing Himself, at the expiration of the 2520 years, to the Ensign, who was to prepare the way for the reorganization of the king- dom of God on Earth in the Five Sovereign nations of Indian Territory, the Goshen of the Latter Day, the rallying point for the gathered Israel in Tribal order where the legislative, executive, and judicial power of the time appointed of the Father will bless every nation kindred and tongue. Joseph, the Ensign, also of- ficiated as the apostle, seer, and revelator of the Holy Ghost, being ordained ...
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    the mortal Jesus, in telestial order for the Gentiles in the church of God, 1835 A.D. He brought light, life and immortality to view from 1820 to 1844 A.D. by revealing the past, present, and future destiny of the Hebrews, the chosen people of the Lord God of glory, the only peo- ple on Earth to whom He re- veals himself. To them He gave His oricles (1) The Tribal government. (2) [The] Cloud by Day (3) [The] Pillar of fire by night. (4) [The] Sanctifying ...
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    air, earth, fire, & water the common property of every man woman and child. Such is the gospel of Jesus Christ, the power of God to save His people from the hell and curse of Aristocrat- ic, Democratic, and Republican forms of government instituted by the Gentiles, with their land monopoly, individual- property, selfish-exclusiveness, refined-tyranny, brute-force, a floating-capital, and usury, the seven heads of the beast. Romans. chapters—1, 3, 8, 9 ...
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    the first born of the Lord, the fathers of the Twelve Tribes of Israel into a state of mortal servitude and affliction for four hundred years and that He, the Lord God of Glory would make of them a great nation of nations in Egypt and bring them forth from their mortal servitude and affliction with great substance in the four- hundred and thirtieth year of the Abrahamic Creation. (1921-1491). B.C.) Before the Lord God left His nation of nations, Jacob's dream was fulfilled for the ladder connected ...
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    was ^to be^ preserved on Earth in the branches of Joseph and Judah until the coming of Shiloh, unto whom the gathering should be. Gen. 49:10-18; & 50:24, 25. New Trans. Have these promises had their fulfillment? The Bible answers in the affirmative; Joseph Smith Jr. say; yes; but the Christian world says; no! I am reviewing the Divine Origin of the Five Sovereign Nations of Indian Territory. ...
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    of the kingdom of 'heaven' and the kingdom of God has been preserved on Earth, while the scepter and lawmaking power of the 'Church' of God has been restored from time to time by 'angels' In the 'Church' of God In the 'kingdom' of God In the 'kingdom of Heaven' In one of these three are all of the families of Earth ^are^ to be blessed in a universal brotherhood, befor the expiration of the century commenc- ing with 1820 ending 1921. The Church of God is to prepare the way for the kingdom of God to go ...
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    of heaven may come. Having through sickness and resulting weakness been compelled to canvas from City to City and from County to County and not being disposed to carry with me a begging paper, as a monthly church recommend, I have been deprived orof Church Privileges in the Salt Lake Stake of Zion, since the 5th of Nov. 1892. You must be fully aware that the Christian world are combining their forces against the Church of God and that the strength of the church is in union; her power in the knowledge of ...
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    privilege of speaking to the people of this Stake as a professional gentleman that has made Prophetic Numbers a study. (1) On the government of God the Father over Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the Twelve Tribes of Israel for the 400 years extending from (1921- to 1491 B.C.). (2) On the government of God the Son over the Tribe of Levi for 1091 years (1491-400 B.C.) (3) On the government of God the Holy Ghost over the Gentiles ...
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    the first of the last quarter of the century that completes the 3842 years of the Abraham- ic Creation. Careless observers have hardly failed to note the rapid fulfillment of proph- ecy that has taken place within the last seventy- five years. What then must be the result of a close investigation of the subject through reve- lation and the lense supplied by our beloved prophet & seer Jos. Smith Jr. The facts of the present can only be determined by a knowledge of the past. Hence, the first thing to be determined is ...
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    have had their fulfillment and thereby establish con- fidence in its predictions still future. Has the Lord God of the Hebrews revealed Himself to the Ensign? Isa. 18 Has the Book been taken out of the ground? Isa. 29. Has the book been given to the Gentiles? III Nephi 29. Has the Lord God restored His people, the Nephites, to the land of their Fathers, a sover- eign power by treaty stip- ulations?
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    Angus McDonald.