Oct ^22^ Preached at Br Beaty & Baptised 1 Mrs Beaty.
~ Sunday
23rd Sunday Preached at Beatys & Baptised 1 his Daughter
Also ordained Brother James Beaty to the office
of a Priest he had Been a Preacher of the Christian
order for several years. Communed with the Sains
had a spiritual time & it was the last meeting that
I held in the South within the limits of the Tennesse
conference of Latter Day Saints
~ Monday
24th Took the parting hand with Priest Beaty &
his family & travled with Elder Smoot & Priest Turpin to Paducah Mccracken County KY Spent
the night at Brother Bentons distans of the day 25 miles
~ Tuesday
25th For the first time in life I went aboard a steam
Boat to Journey I took a birth [berth] with my colleagues
aboard the AID at 8 o'clock AM names of the Islands
we passed through the day are as follows Tennessee
Cumberland, Three Sisters & the Golconda island
Town's past Smithland distance of the day 100 mile
~ Wednesday
26th the Tempest past the Aid at 7 A.M. while
she was wooding We past the following Islands
Cincinnati toehead, Wabash, Dimonds, Towns Shawney, Mount Vernon & Ivensville Remained
at Ivensville over night abot 20 above the mouth
of the Wabash River which we past I purchased
a cloak of William Smith one of the dek hands on
board the Aid I paid him $5.00 dollars for the
same Paid on board the Aid $2.00 for passage {Distance} 100 m
~ Thursday
27th Left the Aid at 7 A.M & went aboard
the HAVANA. We past Sprinkelsburg, Owensborough Troy, Hayville, CloverRome & cast Anchor about
12 oclock at night in consequence of the fog Distance 100 miles
~ Friday
28th Raised the steam at Day light but soon run aground
but liberated without Damage the fog cleared at 8 oclock
we soon past a steam boat that had sunk she
struck a snag stove her hull & went Down. We
past many Boats through the day the Havana
broak her wheel against a flat Bottom Boat passed New Albany at 2 P.M. entered the canal at the
23rd Sunday Preached at Beatys & Baptised 1 his Daughter
Also Ordained Brother James Beaty to the Office
of a Priest he had been a Preacher of the Christian
order for several years. Communed with the Sains
had a spiritual time & it was the last meeting that
I held in the South within the limits of the Tennesse
Conference of Latter Day Saints
~ Monday
24th Took the parting hand with Priest Beaty &
his family & travled with Elder Smoot & Priest
Turpin to Paducah Mccracken County KY Spent
the night at Brother Bentons distans of the day 25 miles
~ Tuesday
25th For the first time in life I went aboard a Steam
Boat to Journey I took a birth with my colleagues
aboard the AID at 8 o'clock AM names of the Islands
we passed through the day are as follows Tennessee
Cumberland Three sisters & the Golconda island
Town past Smithland distance of the day 100 mile
~ Wednesday
26th the Tempest past the Aid at 7 A.M. While
she was wooding we past the following Islands
Cincinnati toehead, Wabash, Dimonds, Towns
Shawney, Mount Vernon & Ivensville Remained
at Ivensville over night abot 20 above the mouth
of the Wabash River which we past I purchased
a cloak of William Smith one of the dek hands on
board the Aid I paid him $5.00 dollars for the
same Paid on board the Aid $2.00 for passage {Distance} 100 miles
~ Thursday
27th Left the Aid at 7 A.M & went aboard
the HAVANA. We past Sprinkelsburg, OwensboroughTroyHayville, CloverRome & cast Anchor about
12 oclock at night in consequence of the fog Distance 100 miles
~ Friday
28th Raised the steam at day light but soon run aground
but liberated without damage the fog cleared at 8 oclock
We soon past a steam boat that had sunk she
struck a snag stove her hull & went down. We
past many Boats through the day the Havana
broak her Wheel against a flat Bottom Boat Passed
New Albany at 2 P.M. entered the canal at the
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (December 29, 1833 – January 3, 1838)," October 22, 1836 - October 28, 1836, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 17, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/q2