19 {shorthand} Brother Thompson
stuck a pitchfork in his
knee which Lamed we
drove through MonaSummit pason pown [down] town to spanish Fork & stoped
for the night with Alfred Beck Distance Long 30 Miles
21 we Drove to the Farmer Ward
& got in 2 Hours to Early
19 {shorthand}. Brother Thompson
stuck a pitchfork in his
knee which Lamed we
drove through MonaSummitpenor powa home to
spanish Fork & stoped
for the night with AlfredBeck Distance Long 30 Miles
20. I was vry weery Last
night we Drove to plesant
Grove & stoped with John
Thorn I slept with Br
Otto Sigmor Mayhew 22 Mile
21 we Drove to the Farmer Ward
& got in 2 Hour to Early
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