Sister Elizabeth
Ockey presented me
with a nice neck scarf
And Sister Ann Ockey
presented me with a fine
silk neck hankerchief
& gold pin. I took tea
with them. I presented
each of them with a
Book of Mormon, Moroco
bound & gilt with their
names upon it, Also Edward Ockey & Eliza
Brewer Elder Edward
Ockey has done much for
the cause of God has helped many families to go
from England to Nauvoo of the Saints & has paid
out 2 or £300 pounds of late for this purpose besides
he has this day presented me as a present to assist
me to return home, A purs of gold containing £50
sovreigns about equal to $250 Dollars, truly this is
liberality, charity & Blessings not often met with, &
As some of my Brethren were ready I gave A porti
on of it to them As follows B Young £5, W. Richards
£5, And G. A. Smith £5, &c.
Truly the Lord hath been good unto us all during this
mission & given us all things we needed for which bless
ings I feel to offer up the gratitude of my hear[t] to my
heavenly Father
Seven of the Twelve with 120 Saints & 160 other
about 280 in all got our baggage on board of the ship
to set sail, but the wind being contrary we staid on shore
20th April 1841. I went on board of the ship
Rochester in the morning in company with Elders B Young, H. C. Kimball, O Pratt, W. Richards, W.
Woodruff J. Taylor & G. A. Smith of the Twelve R. Hedlock High priest 120 Saints, 160 of the world
20 of the crew, 2 mates (Porter & Steward) Capt Woodhouse
1 carpenter, 1 cook 2 stewards making 307 souls in
all, we took the parting hand with Elders P. P. Pratt
& O. Hide & a multitude of Saints who stood upon
the dock or quay to see us start
I Bought the following Articles
1 Shall £0 14
1 Ditto 14
1 Ditto 6
2 pair of Drawers 9
1 Ditto 3
2 flannel shirts 10
1 box steel pens 6
1 Do 2
1 Do 1
4 Cards of pens 4
1 Doz pen cases 1
1 Inkstand 1Total £5.15
Sister Elizabeth
Ockey presented me
with a nice neck scarf
And Sister Ann Ockey
presented me with a fine
silk neck hankerchief
& gold pin. I took tea
with them. I presented
each of them with a
Book of Mormon, Moroco
bound & gilt with their
names upon it, Also
Edward Ockey & Eliza
Brewer Elder Edward
Ockey has done much for
the cause of God has helped many families to go
from England to Nauvoo of the Saints & has paid
out 2 or £300 pounds of late for this purpose besides
he has this day presented me as a present to assist
me to return home, A purs of gold containing £50
Sovreigns about equal to $250 Dollars, truly this is
liberality, charity & Blessings not often met with, &
As some of my Brethren were ready I gave A porti
on of it to them As follows B Young £5 W. Richards
£5 And G. A. Smith £5 &c.
Truly the Lord hath been good unto us all during this
mission & given us all things we needed for which bless
ings I feel to offer up the gratitude of my heart to my
heavenly Father
Seven of the Twelve with 120 Saints & 160 other
about 280 in all got our baggage on board of the ship
to set sail, but the wind being contrary we staid on shore
20th April 1841 I went on board of the ship
Rochester in the morning in company with Elders
B Young, H. C. Kimball, O Pratt, W. Richards, W.
Woodruff J. Taylor & G. A. Smith of the Twelve
R. Hedlock High priest 120 Saints, 160 of the world
20 of the crew, 2 mates (Porter & steward) Capt Woodhouse
1 carpenter, 1 cook 2 stewards making 307 souls in
all, we took the parting hand with Elders P. P. Pratt
& O. Hide & a multitude of Saints who stood upon
the dock or quay to see us start
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"Journal (January 1, 1841 – December 31, 1842)," April 19, 1841 - April 20, 1841, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 1, 2025,