than to hear the voice of God saying this is
my Beloved son &c Now for the secret & grand key. though they might hear the voice of God
& know that Jesus was the son of God this woudd
be no evidence that their election & calling & election was made shure that they had
part with Christ & was a Joint heir with
him, they then would want that more
sure word of prophecy that they were sealed
in the heavens & had the promise of eternal
live in the kingdom of God then having this
promise sealed unto them it was as an anchor
to the soul sure & steadfast though the thun-
ders might roll, & lightnings flash & earthquakes
Bellow & war gather thick around yet this
hope & knowledge would support the soul
in evry hour of trial trouble & tribulation
Then knowledge through our Lord &
savior Jesus Christ is the grand key
that unlocks the glories & misteries of
the kingdom of heaven. Compair this
principle once with Christondom at the present
day & whare are they with all their
boasted religion piety & sacredness while
at the same time they are crying out
against Prophets Apostles, Angels Revelations
Prophesyings, & visions &c. why they are
Just ripening for the damnation of hell, they
will be damned for they reject the most
glorious principle of the gospel of Jesus Christ
& treat with disdain & trample under foot
the main key that unlocks the heavens
& puts in our possession the glories of the
celestial world. Yes I say such will be damned
with all their professed godliness
than to hear the voice of God saying this is
my beloved son &c Now for the secret & grand
[FIGURE] key, though they might hear the voice of God
& know that Jesus was the son of God this woudd
be no evidence that their election & calling
was made shure that they had
part with Christ & was a Joint heir with
him, they then would want that more
sure word of Prophecy that they were sealed
in the heavens & had the promise of eternal
live in the kingdom of God then having this
promise sealed unto them it was as an anchor
to the soul sure & steadfast though the thunders might roll, & lightnings flash & earthquakes
bellow & war gather thick around yet this
hope & knowledge would support the soul
in evry hour of trial trouble & tribulation
Then knowledge through our Lord &
savior Jesus Christ is the grand key [FIGURE]
that unlocks the glories & misteries of
the kingdom of heaven. Compair this
principle once with Christondom at the present
day & whare are they with all their
boasted religion piety & sacredness while
at the same time they are crying out
against Prophets Apostles, Angels Revelations
Prophesyings, & visions &c. why they are
Just ripening for the damnation of hell, they
will be damned for they reject the most
glorious principle of the gospel of Jesus Christ
& treat with disdain & trample under foot
the main key that unlocks the heavens
& puts in our possession the glories of the
celestial world. Yes I say such will be damned
with all their professed godliness
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"Journal (January 1, 1843 – December 31, 1844)," May 14, 1843, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 15, 2025,