Jan 18th [Joseph Smith Papers Document] Joseph Smith the Prophet & his Lady
made a feest for his friends as a time
of rejoiceing with them in consequence of his
deliverence from oppression we had an inter-
esting day about 20 of those who went
with him to Springfield & also the Twelve &
many others numbering in all about 75
persons. Gen Law & Miss Eliza Snow had compos-
ed each of them a song which was printed in
a hand Bill & sung as it was vary appropriate
to the occasion after having our feast over
& spending the day isn social conversation
we returned to our homes rejoiceing that
[we] could again have the privilige of enjoying the socie-
ty of our prophet & seer
19th [Joseph Smith Papers Document] This was also an interesting day in
consequence of the return of Orson Pratt
to the quorum of the Twelve he had returned
& repented in dust & ashes as it were for opposing Joseph & the Twelve &c. we met at Brigham
Youngs the first Presidency & the Twelve
& conversed over the subject & Orson Pratt
desired much to return to the quorum of the
Twelve. We had an interesting time together
we then assembled at the river & Joseph
the Seer went into the river from the
Ice & Baptized Orson Pratt & his wife &
Widow Granger Joseph confirmed them
& ordaind Orson Pratt to the Apostleship &
& his former standing which caused Joy to
our hearts. Elder Amasa Lyman who had
been appointed in his stead as a member of
the quorum of the Twelve was taken into the
first Presidency which left the place again vac-
ant for Orson Pratt
January 18, 1843 ~ Wednesday
Jan 18thJoseph Smith the Prophet & his Lady
made a feest for his friends as a time
of rejoiceing with them in consequence of his
deliverence from oppression we had an interesting day about 20 of those who went
with him to Springfield & also the Twelve &
many others numbering in all about 75
persons. Gen Law & Miss Eliza Snow had composed each of them a song which was printed in
a hand bill & sung as it was vary appropriate
to the occasion after having our feast over
& spending the day in social conversation
we returned to our homes rejoiceing that
we could again have the privilige of enjoying the society of our prophet & seer
19th This was also an interesting day in
consequence of the return of Orson Pratt
to the quorum of the Twelve he had returned
& repented in dust & ashes as it were for opposing
Joseph & the Twelve &c, we met at Brigham
Youngs the first Presidency & the Twelve
& conversed over the subject & Orson Pratt
desired much to return to the quorum of the
Twelve. We had an interesting time together
we then assembled at the river & Joseph
the Seer went into the river from the
Ice & baptized Orson Pratt & his wife &
Widow Granger Joseph confirmed them
& ordaind Orson Pratt to the Apostleship &
& his former standing which caused Joy to
our hearts. Elder Amasa Lyman who had
been appointed in his stead as a member of
the quorum of the Twelve was taken in to the
first Presidency which left the place again vacant for Orson Pratt
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"Journal (January 1, 1843 – December 31, 1844)," January 18, 1843 - January 19, 1843, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 5, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/Jlv