The above named persons were then ordained
under the hands of Elders G. A. Smith W. Woodruff
and C. C. Rich
Resolved that we sustain Elders C. C. Rich & H Green
in their mission assigned them by the Twelve
A spirited & edifying address^es^ was deliverd both
by Elders Woodruff & Smith, directed & C C Rich
directed mostly to the Elders. After which
conference adjourned till tomorrow 10 oclok
~ Sunday
Sunday 16th A large Audiance assembled at 10 oclok
and was addressed was by Elder W. Woodruff
& followed by Haryvy Green, & in the Afternoon
by Elder G. A. Smith and a good impression
was made upon the whole congregation.
We have been liberally entertained since we have
been in this town by the generosity of Col Peter
Van Every whose welth & influence probably
is not excelled by any in the state. he is a gentleman
and a friend.
The above named persons were then ordained
under the hands of Elders G. A. Smith W. Woodruff
and C. C. Rich
Resolved that we sustain Elders C. C. Rich & H Green
in their mission assigned them by the Twelve
A spirited & edifying addresses was delivered
by Elders Woodruff & Smith, & C C Rich
directed mostly to the Elders, After which
conference adjourned till tomorrow 10 oclok
~ Sunday
Sunday 16th A large Audiance assembled at 10 oclok
and was addressed by Elder W. Woodruff
& followed by Harvy Green, & in the Afternoon
by Elder G. A. Smith and a good impression
was made upon the whole congregation.
C Dunn Clerk G. A. Smith. President
We have been liberally entertained since we have
been in this town by the generosity of Col Peter
Van Every whose welth & influence probably
is not excelled by any in the state, he is a gentleman
and a friend.
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1843 – December 31, 1844)," June 15, 1844 - June 16, 1844, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 12, 2025,