Sunday I met with the congregation
of the Saints at the Temple & herd an
interestin discourse deliverd by president Joseph Smith In the afternoon I preached
to a company of Saints at the house of Br Coolage & had a good time
I met with the quorum in the evening
had an interestin time many good exhorta
tion were given by the brethren concerning
the things of God. [FIGURE]P. P. P. Received his
2nd Anointing. Joseph said concerning Parley P
Pratt that He had no wife sealed to him for eternity
and asked if their was any harm for him to
have another wife for time & eternity as He
would want a wife in the resurrection or els
his glory would be cliped many argum[en]ts
He used upon this subject which were rational
& consistant
Br Joseph said now what will
we do with Elder P. P Pratt He has no wife sealed to
him for eternity He has one living wife but she
had a former Husband and did not wish to be sealed
to Parly, for eternity now is it not right for parley
to have another wife that can
~ Sunday
Jan 21st1844
Sunday I met with the congregation
of the Saints at the Temple & herd an
interestin discourse delivered by president
Joseph Smith. In the afternoon I preached
to a company of saints at the house of Br
Coolage & had a good time
[FIGURE] I met with the quorum in the evening
had an interestin time many good exhorta
tion were given by the brethren concerning
the things of God. P. P. P. Received his
2d Anointing. Joseph said concerning Parley P
Pratt that he had no wife sealed to him for Eternity
and asked if their was any harm for him to
have another wife for time & eternity as He
would want a wife in the resurrection or els
his glory would be cliped many arguments
He used upon this subject which were rational
& consistant
Br Joseph said now what will
we do with Elder P P Pratt he has no wife sealed to
him for eternity he has one living wife but she
had a former husband and did not wish to be sealed
to Parly for eternity now is it not right for Parley
to have another wife that can
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"Journal (January 1, 1843 – December 31, 1844)," January 21, 1844, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 23, 2025,