Letter from Hans J Peterson, 6 September 1888


Letter from Hans J Peterson, 6 September 1888
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    Smithfield ^Utah^ Sep. 6th ^1888^ Prest Willford Woodruff Dear Bro. I hope you will excuse me for the free- dom I take, in sending to you these few lines. I have long thought of wri- ting to you and gave it up again, but now I conclude- d to write to you and tell yo- u the circumstances I am in @ present. Myself together with the wh- ole family are well in hea- lth and also in feeling, for which I feel grateful to the Lord. I have labored ...
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    justified in my mind, in lea- ving the elder portion of them with a home, and then take the young and helpless and emigrate with them to Cana da and just about as I was ready and in such a shape that I could go, the enemy came and arrested me and also my younger wife and one of my daughters of the older family, i.e. she was taken as a witness, and bro- ught us before the Commissio- ner @ Logan under the char- ge of ...
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    this occurred as our youngest child is now nearly fifteen mo- nths old, consequently the bi- rth of the child is not the ca- use of this charge against me It must be some other plan on which they are calculating to work; hence I thought of asking you for a favor, if it would be possible for you to render it. If I had plenty of means I would take a trip to Ogden or Salt Lake City and see Bro. F ...
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    yet I would like to doo all I could to be free again and work for my family, and fulfill my ^mission.^ Now, dear brother, will you do me the favor of writing a line or two to Bro. F. S. Richards and ask him to do for me wh- at he can; it may have a tend- ency of a favor towards me of his side. If I knew his addres s I would write to him, but I will wait a little while now, ho- ping that you will be so ...
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    spread the gospel among the human family, for I am sa- tisfied in my own mind that this persecution, which is now upon the Latter-Day Saints w- ill have a tendency to bear a stong testimony to the mind of many an honest and noble soul among the human fam- ily, although I also fairly be- leive that the time is hasten- ing when great destruction will sweep the face of the Earth I do sincerely hope to the lord that I may be able to be true and faithful to the testimony which He has trusted ...
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    Hans J Peterson Sept 6 [18]88 to obtain the blessing for which I left my Native Land my freinds and relatives, for I know that this knowledge came from my Heavenly Father, that the power of man could not bring it to me there fore I feel the respon- sibility of these great blessings which the Lord has bestowed upon me, and upon this peop le with whom I am identified I will close my remarks, pr- aying that you may feel ble- ssed both in soul and body in your advanced years ...