27th Conference met at half past 10 oclock accor
ding to adjournment. meeting opened by singing
Prayer by Elder Grant. Meeting was then addressed
by Elder W. Woodruff from 2nd Epistle of Peter
1stCh 20, 21 verses He remarked that if the prophe-
sies that had been fulfilled were fulfilled litterally
in kike manner would those prophesies which
are still to be fullfilled, be done litterally. And
that the gathering of the Saints, the building of
Zion, the gathering of the Jews, the rebuilding
of Jerrusalem, the esstablishing of the Church
& kingdom of God in the last days The preaching
of the gospel to all the world wasis an event looked
for by the latter day Saints, & notwithstanding
these things are unpopular & not looked for or
believed in by the world yet we feel incouraged
to persevere & press forward in assisting to accom-
plish these great & glorious things with a firm
belief that they will as truly be brought to pass
and perfected as those things prophesied were in
ancient days. He also bore testimony of the
Truth of the Book of Mormon, covenants, & A
prophet of God.
Elder Kimball followed &
made some Appropriate remarks, when the
meeting adjourned two hourse.
Elder J. E. Page
addressed the meeting in the afternoon, on the
testimony of the Book of the Book of Mormon &
that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God. He quoted
to many passages in the doctrins & covenants &
Book of Mormon that prophesied of things that
should take place which had actually come to
pass according to the prophesies. He spoke quite
lengthy upon the subject & brought much
testimony to proove the truth of the position
He Had taken. At the close of his discourse
some Church business was attended to as
Elder L. R. Foster was about to go to Nauvoo
It was necessary that another should be appointed
in his stead to preside in New York
~ Sunday
27th Conference met at half past 10 oclock accor
ding to adjournment. meeting opened by singing
Prayer by Elder Grant. Meeting was then addressed
by Elder W. Woodruff from 2nd Epistle of Peter
1stch 20, 21 verses. He remarked that if the prophesies that had been fulfilled were fulfilled litterally
in kike manner would those prophesies which
are still to be fullfilled, be done litterally. And
that the gathering of the Saints, the building of
Zion, the gathering of the Jews, the rebuilding
of Jerrusalem, the esstablishing of the Church
& kingdom of God in the last days The preaching
of the gospel to all the world is an event looked
for by the latter day Saints. & not withstanding
these things are unpopular & not looked for or
believed in by the world yet we feel incouraged
to persevere & press forward in assisting to accomplish these great & glorious things with a firm
belief that they will as truly be brought to pass
and perfected as those things prophesied were in
ancient days. He also bore testimony of the
Truth of the Book of Mormon, covenants, & a
prophet of God.
Elder Kimball followed &
made some appropriate remarks, when the
meeting adjourned two hourse.
Elder J. E. Page
addressed the meeting in the afternoon, on the
testimony of the Book of Mormon &
that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God. He quoted
to many passages in the doctrins & covenants &
Book of Mormon that prophesied of things that
should take place which had actually come to
pass according to the prophesies. He spoke quite
lengthy upon the subject & brought much
testimony to proove the truth of the position
he had taken. At the close of his discourse
some Church business was attended to as
Elder L. R. Foster was about to go to Nauvoo
It was necessary that another should be appointed
in his stead to preside in New York
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"Journal (January 1, 1843 – December 31, 1844)," August 27, 1843, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 28, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/nrl