Oct. 1st.
As Willford has reserved for me a page to fill, I will now cheerfully (tho’ in something of a hurry)
seat myself to pen you a few lines. I recieved your Letter at the hands of my brother and was truly glad to
hear from you, was sorry however to hear of the ill state of your health as also that of your family, but
how it will soon be improved. Wilford as you are aware is quite unwell, and we feel as you write, much
anxiety respecting him, as he is about to undertake such a journey. and it seems to me as tho’ I could
not have him leave us so soon, but then, we know that God has called and said “Go”, and
shall we worms of the dust say stay' Nay, but let us rather rejoice that he is accounted worthy
to become a messenger from God to the nations of the earth. but still my natural feelings at times
gain the ascendency and I can hardly reconcile myself to have him leave us. I need not say that
W. is a brother that I set much by of this you probably are aware. but as is gone, my
affections return with double force upon Willford. I place confidence in him as I formerly did
in Asahel, looking to him, as a friend and protector, I hope however I shall not forget that
my comforts and blessings flow from God, the bountiful giver of all good,
I suppose I shall have to be brief at this time, but I shall write you from time to ti[me] [page torn]
shall hope to hear from you often, and do give us a particular account of things an[d] [page torn]
with you, for we shall ever be glad to hear, and also as it respects the situation of the .
I would ask no greater blessing than to be permitted to take up my residence with the with the
Saints at the west, I would be willing to undergo ma[n]y earthly privations. I have felt as tho’ I should
like it much could I be with you whilst W. is gone his mission, but I suppose it would not be
considered consistent at present. but I do feel as tho’ I should be permitted e'er long, to stand on
Mount Zion with the blessed company. pray for me Sister, that I may live in such a manner
as to be accounted worthy to escape the just judgments of God abroad in the land, and finally
have a standing given me with the saints of God. I have been quite unwell most of the time since
W. has been at home and consequently have not received as much pleasure in hearing him converse upon
this Latter day work, as I otherwise should have done. but we have had a very pleasant with him, and
shall remember it with much pleasure. the greatest complaint I make is that I have not had scarcely
any apportunity of conversing with him myself. I hope the Lord will grant that he may have grace
given him to perform his mission acceptably. that the Lord would be with him and bless him
continually. grant him with the rest of the company a safe and pleasant journey over the waters
and when their mission is fill'd return them safe to the bosom of their friends.
My best wishes for the welfare of yourself and , I remain yours, Sister
Oct. 1st.
As Willford has reserved for me a page to fill, I will now cheerfully (tho’ in something of a hurry)
seat myself to pen you a few lines. I recieved your Letter at the hands of my brother and was truly glad to
hear from you, was sorry however to hear of the ill state of your health as also that of your family, but
how it will soon be improved. Wilford as you are aware is quite unwell, and we feel as you write, much
anxiety respecting him, as he is about to undertake such a journey. and it seems to me as tho’ I could
not have him leave us so soon, but then, we know that God has called and said “Go”, and
shall we worms of the dust say stay' Nay, but let us rather rejoice that he is accounted worthy
to become a messenger from God to the nations of the earth. but still my natural feelings at times
gain the ascendency and I can hardly reconcile myself to have him leave us. I need not say that
W. is a brother that I set much by of this you probably are aware. but as is gone, my
affections return with double force upon Willford. I place confidence in him as I formerly did
in Asahel, looking to him, as a friend and protector, I hope however I shall not forget that
my comforts and blessings flow from God, the bountiful giver of all good,
I suppose I shall have to be brief at this time, but I shall write you from time to time page torn
shall hope to hear from you often, and do give us a particular account of things and page torn
with you, for we shall ever be glad to hear, and also as it respects the situation of the church.
I would ask no greater blessing than to be permitted to take up my residence with the Saints with the
Saints at the west, I would be willing to undergo many earthly privations. I have felt as tho’ I should
like it much could I be with you whilst W. is gone his mission, but I suppose it would not be
considered consistent at present. but I do feel as tho’ I should be permitted e'er long, to stand on
Mount Zion with the blessed company. pray for me Sister, that I may live in such a manner
as to be accounted worthy to escape the just judgments of God abroad in the land, and finally
have a standing given me with the saints of God. I have been quite unwell most of the time since
W. has been at home and consequently have not received as much pleasure in hearing him converse upon
this Latter day work, as I otherwise should have done. but we have had a very pleasant with him, and
shall remember it with much pleasure. the greatest complaint I make is that I have not had scarcely
any apportunity of conversing with him myself. I hope the Lord will grant that he may have grace
given him to perform his mission acceptably. that the Lord would be with him and bless him
continually. grant him with the rest of the company a safe and pleasant journey over the waters
and when their mission is fill'd return them safe to the bosom of their friends.
My best wishes for the welfare of yourself and babe, I remain yours, Sister