Your very welcome letter of September 23rd came safely
to hand, finding us on the enjoyment of good health and
spirits. We published the items in your letter, correcting
some errors, that had appeared in the article that you
wrote to us giving advice to young elders. I have not
written to you for some time, from the fact that I had littl[e]
of interest to communicate. Our missionary business
moves quietly along here in Great Brittain. Since the killing
of our brethren in Tennessee, the press of this country have
been publishing all manner of vile stories in regard to us.
The P. P Pratt and McLean affair, having figured prominently,
in the articles that have been written from some quarters
and garbled extracts from the Journal of discourses and
Millennial Star, have been brought forward to sustain
the charges made against us, and if possible to destroy
the little seed sown. Quite a number of parties are
also lecturing against us, among them Miss Emily
Faithful, who paid a visit to our City I think in 1883.
Your very welcome letter of September 23rd came safely
to hand, finding us on the enjoyment of good health and
spirits. We published the items in your letter corecting
some errors, that had appeared in the article that you
wrote to us giving advice to young elders. I have not
written to you for some time, from the fact that I had little
of interest to communicate. Our missionary business
moves quietly along here in Great Britain. Since the killing
of our brethren in Tennessee, the press of the country have
been puclishing all manner of vile stories on in regard to us,
The P. P. Pratt and McLean affair, having perjured merminently
in the aricles that have been written from some quarters
and garbled extracts from the Journal of discourses and
Millennial Star, have been brought forward to sustain
the charges made against us, and if possible to destroy
the little seed sown. Quite a number of parties are
also lecturing against us, among them Miss Emily
Faithful, who paid a visit to our City I think in 1883.
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"Letter from John Henry Smith, 18 November 1884," p. 1, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 15, 2025,