April 20, 1889
orchards also of German Prunes, Peaches, Apricots
and Apple trees were seen on every hand. Grapes
and wine must be very abundant in this region.
When we reached it was with difficulty
I got to the house. I was suffering from a deadly
faintness. Brother upon my
head and administered in prayer. I received
much benifit therefrom, as well as a cup of tea which
I drank. After dinner we took stage for 16 miles
to the Geysers. There were four horses on the stage
and twelve passengers and the driver. The road is
a canyon road, and in places is very dangerous.
A few inches margin outside of the which was
frequently all that was left us from a precipitous
descent of hundreds of feet to the stream below many
places the descent was almost perpendicular. The scenery
was very grand, the mountains covered with vurdure
and timber, and beautiful spots occuring from time to
time. Mr is one of the liveliest and most witty of
men, full of fun and anecdote and quite intelligent.
His friend is still more so. A capital story-
teller, an excillent imitator of dialects, a wonderful
punster and capable of imitating every animal, he
furnished us constant amusement. He could play the
piano and was a very good singer, while the team
stopped to water at one place there was an old couple
who had what appeared to be a favorite dog. Just as the
coach was starting from the water trough Mr Badlam
April 20, 1889
orchards also of German Prunes, Peaches, Apricots
and Apple trees were seen on every hand. Grapes
and wine must be very abundant in this region.
When we reached it was with difficulty
I got to the house. I was suffering from a deadly
faintness. Brother laid his hands upon my
head and administered in prayer. I received
much benifit therefrom, as well as a cup of tea which
I drank. After dinner we took stage for 16 miles
to the Geysers. There were four horses on the stage
and twelve passengers and the driver. The road is
a canyon road, and in places is very dangerous.
A few inches margin outside of the which was
frequently all that was left us from a precipitous
descent of hundreds of feet to the stream below many
places the descent was almost perpendicular. The scenery
was very grand, the mountains covered with vurdure
and timber, and beautiful spots occuring from time to
time. Mr is one of the liveliest and most witty of
men, full of fun and anecdote and quite intelligent.
His friend Mr Swan is still more so. A capital storyteller, an excillent imitator of dialects, a wonderful
punster and capable of imitating every animal, he
furnished us constant amusement. He could play the
piano and was a very good singer, while the team
stopped to water at one place there was an old couple
who had what appeared to be a favorite dog. Just as the
coach was starting from the water trough Mr Badlam