Dec 1, 1891
I commenced our work in our New office this morning
we had a Meetings with several parties among the No
was Bishop Preston & Hendricks upon the subject of A
syndicate of Men trying to get controll of all the flouring
Mills in Utah Territory They had got controll of
quite a Number of the Mills
~ Wednesday
2 I went to the Office in a hard Hail storm & met
with many Brethren I met with a committee from Provo About selling land in Provo And we held a
Meeting in Z.C.M.I to form An investmet company
A committee was Apointed to get subscription &c AI went to Brother A F MCDonalds & spent the Evening
~ Thursday
3 I wrote 3 Letters to Sarah & others we are
trying to get Money to pay our depts [debts]
~ Friday
4. we had an interview with Mr Burback about
the getting of possession of the flouring Mills
of this Territory. He represented that He did
not wish to touch it if we were opposed to it
we had conversation with Brother Grant
about getting some Money into S L City
~ Saturday
5 Saturday I spent the day at home
~ Sunday
6 Sunday I spent this day at home
~ Monday
Dec 7. Monday ^^ I was taken this Morning with another one
of my terrible Attacks of the Billious Cholic I had pain
in my stomach when I went to the office, it increased
upon me untill I vomited all that was in my stomach
Dr Richards visited me twice I grew so much worse
that I was taken home in an Easy carriage but suffered
~ Tuesday
Dec 1, 1891
I commenced our work in our New office this morning
we had a Meetings with several parties among the No
was Bishop Preston & Hendricks upon the subject of A
syndicate of Men trying to get controll of all the flouring
Mills in Utah Territory They had got controll of
quite a Number of the Mills
~ Wednesday
2 I went to the Office in a hard Hail storm & met
with many Brethren I met with a committee from
Provo About selling land in Provo And we held a
Meeting in Z.C.M.I to form An investmet company
A committee was Apointed to get subscription &c
I went to Brother A F MCDonalds & spent the Evening
~ Thursday
3 [FIGURE] I wrote 3 Letters to Sarah & others we are
trying to get Money to pay our debts
~ Friday
4. we had an interview with Mr Burbeck about
the getting of possession of the flouring Mills
of this Territory. He represented that He did
not wish to touch it if we were opposed to it
we had conversation with Brother Grant
about getting some Money into S L City
~ Saturday
5 Saturday I spent the day at home
~ Sunday
6 Sunday I spent this day at home
~ Monday
Dec 7. Monday FIGURES I was taken this Morning with another one
of my terrible Attacks of the Billious Cholic I had pain
in my stomach when I went to the office, it increased
upon me untill I vomited all that was in my stomach
Dr Richards visited me twice I grew so much worse
that I was taken home in an Easy carriage but suffered
"Journal (January 1886 – December 1892)," December 1, 1891 - December 7, 1891, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 10, 2025,