and seal them up to eternal life.
According to appointment on the those who were ready left Kirtland for New Portage, their was
but a small po[r]tion of the company
ready. The company that did
starte was composed of over twenty
men, with four baggage wagons.
Wilford Woodruff owned one of the four
teams, and baggage wagons which
he drove. The company pitched their
tents by the way. This first company
tearried with the Church at New Portage
untill the main body arrived from
Kirtland. On the , we
were then fully organized. As the saints
had been robbed of nearly every thing
in Missouri, the Prophet gathered to-
gather clowthing and such nesseries
of life as could be obtained for them,
also provided for ourselves horses, wagons
guns and tents for our journey, also
all sorts of munitions of war, for
self defense as our enemies were threatening
on every side. The history of Joseph sayes,
"My company from Kirtland, amounted
to about one hundred, mostly young men
and seal them up to eternal life.
According to appointment on the those who were ready left
Kirtland for New Portage, their was
but a small portion of the company
ready. The company that did
starte was composed of over twenty
men, with four baggage wagons.
Wilford Woodruff owned one of the four
teams, and baggage wagons which
he drove. The company pitched their
tents by the way. This first company
tearried with the Church at New Portage
untill the main body arrived from
Kirtland. On the , we
were then fully organized. As the saints
had been robbed of nearly every thing
in Missouri, the Prophet gathered togather clowthing and such nesseries
of life as could be obtained for them,
also provided for ourselves horses, wagons
guns and tents for our journey, also
all sorts of munitions of war, for
self defense as our enemies were threatening
on every side. The history of Joseph sayes,
"My company from Kirtland, amounted
to about one hundred, mostly young men
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