After our 10 o'clock breakfast we
passed on to within one mile of
. We encamped in a very
small prairie surrounded by a thicket
of hazel brush. When arrived where
the camp had pitched their tents
and viewed our unsafe location con-
sidering the danger of an attack
from our enemies, I almost forgot
my sickness, went some distance in
the brush, bowed down and prayed
my heavenly father to suffer no evil
to come upon us, but keep us safely
through the night. I obtained an
assurance that we should be safe
until morning. Notwithstanding the
fact that about 50 of the mob crossed the Lemington Fer-
ry that evening for the purpose of
joining the mob and of
making an attack upon us, all
was quiet in the camp through the
night. While the brethren were mak-
ing their bed in Capt.
tent, one of them discovered a very
musical rattle snake which they were
about to kill. Capt. Young told them
not to hurt it, but to carry it out of
After our 10 o'clock breakfast we
passed on to within one mile of
. We encamped in a very
small prairie surrounded by a thicket
of hazel brush. When arrived where
the camp had pitched their tents
and viewed our unsafe location considering the danger of an attack
from our enemies, I almost forgot
my sickness, went some distance in
the brush, bowed down and prayed
my heavenly father to suffer no evil
to come upon us, but keep us safely
through the night. I obtained an
assurance that we should be safe
until morning. Notwithstanding the
fact that about 50 of the mob crossed the Lemington Ferry that evening for the purpose of
joining the mob and of
making an attack upon us, all
was quiet in the camp through the
night. While the brethren were making their bed in Capt.
tent, one of them discovered a very
musical rattle snake which they were
about to kill. Capt. Young told them
not to hurt it, but to carry it out of